Welcome to 'The Goblin Lair'


Well not really

This post is here to give insight and some first looks at some of the early development of the dungeon. Skip to the bottom if you just want a playlist of all the videos :slight_smile:

As some of you may remember the ‘Goblin Lair’ was officially announced as an upcoming dungeon along side the ‘Epic Hive’ (now known as The Nest) and the ‘Lost Halls’ but was eventually announced as being permanently scrapped.

So what happened?

I became busy with work, school and other real life situations that took priority over continuing to work on the dungeon.


Now onto the main point. The dungeon was initially set out to be a dungeon similar in design to the Secluded Thicket (a serries of bosses before a final boss).

Here you can find a image of the bosses in which I will go into a little detail about bellow and present videos of early dev. I’ll be talking about them starting from top to bottom. Please note that the names and ingame texts were just placeholders before deciding real ones :).

X’Kiddforceior the Corruptor

Hiding in the shadows is this ghoulish creature. Kiddforceior is the first of 4 bosses. The main mechanic behind this boss is he fades in and out of existence, surrounding the player in darkness, and splitting into smaller versions of him self to potentially overwhelm the player.

X’Markior the Incinerator

The dragon / dinosaur thing Markior is essentially the same thing is Oryx2’s "There is no point in running, but you will anyway!” phase. Not much progress was made other than this one phase but would’ve followed the same theme. This boss will (would?) run you over if given the chance.

X’Phopsior the Destroyer

Phopsior the robotic cyclops is pretty the most incomplete part of the dungeon. Phopsior’s plan was to have a boss that uses primarly lasers based attacks in order to force the player to dodge in certain ways or else be face with death.

Treasure eyeball

The Goblin Lords weird little dungeon pet. If you’re lucky enough to come across this poor fellow and kill him because you’re heartless you will be rewarded with loot.

[No videos of this dude]

The Goblin Lord

The goblin lord is not actually a boss you fight. The goblin lord randomly spawns in a realm with no indication. Upon being found his dot becomes active on the map as he tries to entice players into the dungeon with promises of great treasures. The Goblin Lord has one final trick up his sleeve he will use in attempts to kill you for your loot…

Mind Controlled Sorcerer

Once one of the most powerful wizards in the realms for the fight against Oryx, is now merely just a puppet of the goblin lord due to falling victim to his own greed. Sorc used a onslaught of different spells in order to fulfill his masters wishes.

More videos

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdW9KVRmvzUiXBIjo5tiikV-ZCDw0a_yH Here you’ll find a playlist of everything that I currently would like to share today

So what happens next?

Who knows! Maybe one day I’ll finish it (not likely), what’s more likely is different assets and or ideas will be used in the future. Just because a dungeon was scrapped doesn’t mean it’s entirely gone forever. As with the alien event + the machine that was officially released, those too were made up of bits and pieces of a previously scrapped dungeon of mine before Deca finally took them and made something much more out of them! So you never know, you just may see the goblin lair in some shape or form in the future! :slight_smile:

If there’s any questions relating to dungeon making, goblin lair, or whatever I’ll answer bellow in the comments.

tl;dr goblin lair go brrrrrrrrrrrr videos


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