What are Your Best and Worst Moments in ROTMG?


Ask for compensation, they’ll give you SOMETHING.
I got a similar response when my ghastly drape disappeared. I asked if i could get compensated, and they gave me 4 trench keys.


I sent in another ticket, giving the story and the picture again, simply telling them a user on the forums was able to get compensation


good luck!


Thanks guys. as you can imagine I was PISSED that I had that glitch happen while I was on an 8/8 warrior


I got compensation simply from saying that I didn’t want to lose an item for no reason… lets say the keys were worth a lot more lel.


I hope you get it as well, things like loot bags in inaccessible areas shouldn’t happen but it still happens. Once I saw a picture of a white bag in the dark water near cubes…I think that pic is in the white bag thread… So good luck, I also heard of people getting back items from the vault glitch which is sort of the same criteria…


Best: Getting Resu on a lvl 14 trickster, Also a very lucky week: getting 3 conducts, my first dblade and csword.

Worst: Dying on my 8/8 wizard in puppet master, and 7/8 Archer in ice tomb in the same week :confused:


Best moment:

Worst moment:


Exactly while i hated having a low level electric pet. My pet would have killed in in a second and a half, while yours sets you up to die.


wait - you don’t have this issue anymore? So you’re saying if I level my electric high enough, my pet can wipe these fools out before they pop on me?

Would have to do some math but that would actually be really useful


Best:I got a Ogmur
Worst:Died Ogmur after 1-2 days :confused:


I’m not 100% sure that it would kill it before it popped on you, but because of the range of the electric, even if it did pop, the pet would paralyze it far enough away from you so that you wouldn’t get shotgunned.


yeah my electric is also high enough for me to not have this problem XD
It is lvl 86 (my pet is heal electric mheal), not sure how much the minimum is tho.


interesting. mine is 85 atm


I see


Its a lot of chance really. Like for example, its like 80% chance of paralyze??? You survive if it paralyzes on the first instance. Otherwise it reaches you and then get paralyzed.


Best: Getting the Janus white literally right after it came out! :smiley:

Now for the worst…
Oh dear…
crippling depression intensifies

Why do I play this game… ;-;


Getting the crown on my 4k huntress.

dying on that huntress 2 weeks later by tping on a green potion. Rip hunty 2k15-2k16


got two trench keys… wtf


2 bulwarks in a day, my god was that a lucky day

and the worst was when i eat the “confusing shotgun” of the avatar that send my 6/8 knigth to oblivion