What are your problems with RotMG as of current?


They don’t talk about it, so I can’t really assume anything or even that they are lying. They said they did not know the reason


Only way we can do is buff public dungeon’s reward, especially Exaltations. Difficulty is fine as it is.


In before people mention Shatters, which even then DECA has nerfed it and buffed exalts to make it even easier to do for only the exalt grind.


Don’t see it happening, much as I’d like it. They’re not going to effectively make keys worse, as it would hit their revenue selling them.


The playerbase, or at the very least the most vocal one being a bunch of doomers over every little thing


As some people have said, the game is dying, just very, very slowly.


With really EVERY update they bring up new bugs that prevent me from playing! WHY?? Do they give a shit about the players experiences?

Just wanted to enter an Ancient Ruins as I did multiple times before… infinite loading -> error. infinite loading on Nexus - ends up in errors after a second. quitted -> cannot login again!

After every update it’s the same shit!

When I was CTO there, the very first developer’s priority would be a stable user experience! And as a seccond, the monetarization of everything, but first, the stability!

If I ever had spent a single Cent from my real money on the game, I felt scammed so often.


Well RIP to RotMG even faster when keys are almost mandatory to access to all contents, and not all players are willing to throw $$$…


But some players are willing to, and they throw a lot of $$$, and that’s all that matter to DECA


I don’t play anymore but here are my issues that made me stop playing. Read the bold for tl;dr.

1. Public runs are completely unviable
Discords are the major reason for this, but there is also some player unwillingness as the cause of it. People are extremely hesitant to do public realm runs because they know it will be safer and faster to just do them in a discord. I love doing public endgame dungeons with a lot of people. No one in the group really knows if they’ll make it, there’s no organization, and there’s no guarantee that the dungeon will even be finished. The higher risk also makes it more fun. I feel the fear of death has been severely lost with the safety of exclusive runs.

2. Guilds are extremely neglected
Guilds or any form of clan are a good idea in any MMO. The problem is, there is almost no incentive to join a guild other than the free pots you get from Guill, and discords have become glorified guilds. Don’t get me wrong, there are a large amount of guilds out there that are active and do dungeons, competitions, etc., but that is not your average guild, and I would say that, even being generous, only about 5% of guilds do things like this. This is because the overabundance of guilds. People will make one where the only member is themselves, because there is no reason to invite other people or join a different guild.

3. Power creep
This one is pretty self-explanatory so I’ll keep it short. Some items have become so irrelevant that I would rather have the nostalgic dopamine of looking at a white bag sprite than actually have the item inside of it. Early/mid-game whites used to have a purpose, but now they feel pointless, with very few exceptions.

4. The 'community’
People often complain about the community and how toxic or elitist they are and how they gatekeep everything. The issue is that this is the minority of the community, and people often generalize that the whole community is like this. When I posted my shatters HM solo, almost every comment I got made my day and the overall reaction to it made my year. Most people who play this game are very friendly, its just the top 1% of players who speak very loudly and make the community as a whole look bad. However, being a high-end player, I basically had to play around a load of the toxic ones, but this is not an issue for everyone. This is not to say that at times I wasn’t toxic - I definitely was - and there’s really no excuse for it.

note that it is definitely way more than 1% of players

The combination of these four things was the primary thing that drew me away. I know I’ll probably come back to this game in the future, but it definitely wont be for long.


Generally content will be power crept since the devs have to keep adding/reworking parts of the game in order to prevent it from going stale. I personally believe that it’s fair if an item in the midgame is less useful or maybe even irrelevant in the endgame, but I rather care if it’s useful for the stage of the game that it’s in. Tome of Holy Purification doesn’t need to be this powerful debuff warding item that every endgame player should use, but rather a nice utility sidegrade tome for priests that struggle with more debuff-heavy midgame dungeons. It’s fine if you don’t agree, but I prefer items that are useful within their own stage of the game over items that can transcend its usefulness past its stage. Think of Terraria, in which all the items are useful in their own stages, but are definitely outclasses later in the game. That’s not to say they aren’t useful ever, they’re just naturally overpowered by other items for the sake of game progression.


I definitely agree with this, there’s simply too many items to make each and every one of them unique and fill their own niches. I just feel that there’s more room for improvement with how unique some items are, but I also feel DECA is moving in the right direction with reworking some old UTs and giving them reworks they deserve or just adding new competition to the pool.


Since the last update I’am able to play several dungeons until I get a loading error which makes me not being able to login again for longer time.


… and it’s getting worse… so I’ll take a break.


A few thoughts about that:

  1. The sprites: I actually love the new sprites! If anything, the REALM needs to be resprited and the DUNGEONS left as they are.
  2. The lore: Yes… It stands to be improved. Fundamentally, though, the game has never been about the story or the lore, so I wouldn’t call this a top-priority problem.
  3. The OST: My happiest day in Realm was when I got on the Unity port and FINALLY, a new song played in the Nexus. I would say keep the old Realm theme for mountains areas, but keep the new one for the beaches. Then compose a new one to go in the highlands. Other than that, I would just say finish the OST! There are still plenty of dungeons without unique music that could really use it.
    I’m also a Hollow Knight fan, and I would say that comparing the two is a bit of a stretch, since Hollow Knight is a single-player story-centric game, while RotMG is an MMO and gameplay-centered.
    Appreciate the thoughts though!


I’ve noticed a lot of people complaining about Discords. I agree; I haven’t done a ton of endgame content, but I definitely think doing it publicly is more fun than doing it in a Discord run.
Here’s one idea for a solution: new rules for keys and portal openings. Here’s what I mean: all portals have a max of 15 or so players, except for keys popped in guild halls. If a portal is dropped by a monster or opened with a key anywhere else, it drops several portals instead of one, enough so that everyone can go in… but in separate dungeons. Just like for the Nexus portals, each dungeon portal would say how many people are in it out of its max (e.g, 4/15). Keys popped in guild halls would ignore this new rule entirely, and Oryx will still summon everyone in the realm, as normal.
This would demand a much higher percentage of players in Discords to become raid leaders, and would demand that a higher fraction of people involved in any dungeon to know what they’re doing for the dungeon to succeed. It would also encourage doing dungeons as guilds, since if enough guild members log on at the same time, dungeons can be made just as easy as Discord runs are now.
What do you guys think?


To start, the early and mid game are non-existent and dead, the godlands are basically the mid-lands now from when I started years ago and the realm music makes my ears bleed. And the st sets, and the endless amount of new items added replacing the old items for no good reason. Tell me I’m wrong :slight_smile:


OK :grinning:

It’s not so much the early game is dead. It’s received a lot of attention with massively improved dungeons, in-combat changes benefitting early game players most, and events like Seasonal chars + missions accessible even to early game players. There’s never been a better time to start playing. The problem is not enough people are starting, compared to when it was a Flash game available on many sites.

Your other points are even less valid. Almost all game music sucks, and even the best gets repetitive after a while. Do as I do and mute it, play your own music or listen to sports radio.

As for items I really welcome the many new items. They both give you many more options for the classes you like, and give you incentive to play classes you don’t, to try out items for them. More generally they keep the game fresh and interesting so there’s always some item or set you’ve not got yet and want to try. With a handful of exceptions nothing’s been replaced, the old items are all still available.


To be honest, just with putting vault chests (pot storage too!) and character slots in the pass and events may do it, also reworking the realm or adding new biomes and mobs to find while exploring, maybe some lore with a not hostile mob to find in the realm, as I´ve been playing for almost a decade and not know any of the lore.


Seasonal is great, but I feel like the realm music is a physical attack against me and a mental torture that drives me insane, the music was 50% of my enjoyment of the game back in the day. There is no point to replace items that serve a purpose already with flat out improved items. It leads to so called powercreep that destroys the original game design which is stupid. The way I see it the game should be more like it used to be, challenging, short and sweet with a fantastic soundtrack without the item powercreep for no reason at all. Godlands was fun, dungeons were a neat novelty and actually challenging instead of a safe grind to 8/8, the game did not just start when you were 8/8 but it started with you spawning at lvl 1 with everywhere populated. I am old school dude, I miss da good o’ days :smiley: