What Class Best Describes YOU?


Priest - But not for the reasons you might think…


difficult, could be huntress or necro but I think it’s the mystic. more in the back than in the front, controls the situation, supports the group and deals a lot of burst damage when needed.


Mundane pacifist priest


only assassin can insta though, there are an abundance of other group utility classes there already


Trickster… Fast, cheap, and out of control


I’m tempted to say Ninja cause it’s my favourite class, but I think that my pref may have to go out to priest. I like supporting a group, doing a little bit of shotcalling, ensuring no one gets their ass handed to 'em too badly…


you must be great at parties


samurai cuz fuq void

and bc kendo stick


I am a sheath-using samurai, because I got removed from the game


warrior. Fast, can be hard to control, very forceful, but also thick skinned, and can take it slower if i so choose


An assassin because I am considered useless to most people





What an iconic moment tho


I’ve gotta watch those movies again
I just reread the books about a month ago so it’s still kinda on my mind


I’ve read that series seven times, some of the books 15+ times


Samurai. Love to spam that Waki for damage. Really underrated but a good class if you know how to use the Waki correctly.


Mystic. I’m potentially useful but I end up less than useless 90% of the time.


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