What Class Should I Create Next?


I have:

A 6/8 Knight- Archon, Mith, Abyssal, and Expo

and a 6/8 Archer- Covert, Gquiv, Griff, Expo
Still farming for that Dbow

Anyway, What class would you recommend I pick up next? I’m kinda split between Mystic, Rogue, and Wizzy, but I’m open to any and all suggestions.

The most versatile class right now?

Wizard is always a solid choice, but if you have the time and patience to learn the mystic it is a really fun class.


Whatever you have gear for/you have the most fun with c:
I would recommend a class for winecellars though as its a fast way to get rich


wizzy is definetly the best out of those choices if you dont want to rely too much on skill. It’s the most versatile, has the best passive-play stats, and has a great potential for good loot in dungeons other wise difficult for other classes.

If you want to take the risky path and play rogue, then go ahead. As a warning, you have to time almost everything you do as a rogue, and even though you cloak is pseudo-invincitbilty, you are very prone to death.

If you want to take the fun path of mystic, you may choose to also. Like rogue, you have to time what you do, as you cannot stack stasis. Mystic is best played when with other players, and doesn’t not have much of a potential loot wise.

The most versatile class right now?

all the classes hes split between are OP in wc


Rogue would be the most optimal choice.

You already have a long range and a melee, so why not add a mid-range? Besides, Rogue is great for solo dungeons, events and rushing.

Mystic would be the fun choice.

Hard class to master, but gives you a great sense of being in control once you do. Even if you’re just average, you’ll already be a great support.

Wizard, as always, would be the most solid choice.

Another long range to farm on in case the Archer kicks the bucket, Wiz also doesn’t need any UTs to be efficient and is not particularly tricky to play.


Paladin is always fun. But out or ur 3 choices id go mystic (tart with ep) or wiz


Since you are pretty poor in gear, I recommend wizard, (mostly because default mystic is hella ugly) and that it is mostly based on being rich and having fallback chars.


I vote for Rogue (as it’s my favourite)



play mystic, fun class
play necro, fun class
play wizzy, free loot


necro is really fun too (if you’re ppe btw lel xd).


Priest, don’t max your att or dex


Is necro the most boring class in game?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters


no pls



Assassin: If you want a farming class with decent dps, or Wine Cellars/Tombs (because no dbow archer)

Wizard: Like the easyish life, good for basically everything

Rogue: I think your pet is good enough for this, just be careful when you play it




A wizz, sin or rouge might be the best choice imo. Everybody said why above, no need to repeat.


In my opinion, wizard is very boring do you want to be another person like this:

Farming godlands and doing dungeons while you sit back and others run in.

Mystic is my 2nd favorite class ingame so I am a bit biased but rogue can be very fun to, I just have some bad memories (trying to rush a cdepths on a 3/8 because I thought I was cool)

My order would be

  1. Mystic
  2. Rogue
  3. Assassin/Paladin (great classes but maybe you wouldn’t want something close range)
  4. Wizard


I very much prefer wizard, but rogue is also a very good option and if you know how to use mystic, it could be extremely effective. My top choice would be wizard, and then rogue.
