What class should l max next?

  • Mystic
  • Sorcerer
  • Wizard

0 voters


wizzy sucks Sorc op :ok_hand:


I’m maxing a wizard but I think sorcerer is a better choice.



Excuse me forums? want to try that again?


No lol


smh my head bad choice of character


OB votes Sorc, ye better go sorc


[I was just voting for the least popular option so it wouldn’t feel so unloved! OB]


Mystic because honestly we need more non brain damaged mystics


IDK why. I’m just feeling sorcerer for you. Probably because I have 14 slots and I have everything but a sorcerer rn and I want to play it pretty bad.


How do we know he isn’t suffering from brain damage?


bruh its fluffegan hes my guildie and friend ig fairly sure he wouldnt mystic troll


Mystic it is!


Mystic = hardest one of the bunch, but also the most useful if played properly. It can make fights easier by dividing the amount of foes to fight at once, increase damage dealt to foes and even save other player’s lives if well played. It can also buff itself, meaning it’s a solid choice even alone.

Sorcerer = easiest to play, solid crowd control. The ability to pierce and hit multiple foes at the same time, the huge range and the large cone of scepters make this class quite safe and easy, while still being useful in a fight. The instant slow given by fulmi if you have one can also be a game changer, especially on those fast foes that are usually a pain to debuff when playing huntress or archer.

Wizard = in terms of difficulty, pretty much the middle ground. It hits hard, has range and has a hard to use, but very strong spell bomb. The hard part of him is the fact he is this game’s Glass Canon, meaning he hits hard but cannot withstand too much damage himself. Overall a class with a lot of potential, but expecting you to dodge well in order to use that potential.


it depends on the items you have. in general i would do sorc because it has pretty good dps and ability, and it isnt used as often as wiz


Mystic was one of the easier classes I played.

I thought sorc was rather hard, I could never max one or do anything.



nice lmfao


I had to bump it. I felt bad for the thread too.


OP has already made his choice


No, you really didn’t.

[Seriously, plz stahp bmpin thredz. OB]