What did you dream of last night?


Ah, I see now.


Last night, I dreamt about an adventure storytelling card game where you need to find a correct ordering of cards to tell a story and you get points based on how many cards in your hand you manage to use.
Cards are linkable by color, name or reference and each card has a paragraph of the story you will tell.

The story inside the game was had a fantasy setting where the point of view was from a blind dude with something like Tophā€™s vibration view (from Avatar: The Last Airbender) and crouching tiger hidden dragon-level martial arts skills, who went on an adventure with a party of people.
While travelling, they met a potentially dangerous red-clothed man named Edgar who was limping and begging for help.
The party decided to off him, bury him and keep his leg for some reason.

We couldnā€™t afford to bring him with us because of limited resources and trust issues, and leaving him be was just a major risk, since then bandits could find out our party size and general direction.
After a few more km of travel, we met the rest of Edgarā€™s colourful party, them ambushing us and almost capturing all of us. They used something to blind us, but I was already blind so they were surprised to find me combat-capable.
I fought the yellow dude and barely won. He ran away and the perspective switched to him.
He returned to his home, where his sister was happy to find that he had returned.
He tried to sneakily hide his gold-coloured sword behind him as he passed his excited and annoying rivalrous sister to head upstairs and return the sword, a family heirloom, to its stand.
The family heirloom contained part of their fatherā€™s soul, who had left the kids orphaned. The sister jumped halfway up the stairs with a cold mist surrounding her and the upper hallway.
In this mist he got closer to her and they talked. The sister said he would need to lay down in a strange position with the sword for 30 minutes to activate its powers, and he almost believed her.
As a counter-joke he said she should use the snow around them (which had appeared in the mist) to become a tank. They jokingly crawled along the railroad tracks (new appearance) up the stairs together, through the snow.
The girl costumed as a snow-tank on one rail, the boy dragging his chest along the other rail. They were bound together by some weird pulsating string and when they reached the top, they transformed into a fused abomination made of roughly twenty different bodies clumped together.
They were on opposite sides of the pile of bodies, and they were the only parts that seemed alive.

Scene cut to them having been found by a subservant family of caretakers, who removed all the unliving bodies from their clump, leaving them connected girlā€™s belly (upside down) to boyā€™s lower back.
The new scene is at some sort of altar place, with two opposing shrines on a flat meadow. On one side the sword is standing upright in the rocks of one shrine, on the other the fused siblings stand in the focal point of the other shrine.
The patriarch of the servant family is enacting a ritual to transfer the powers of the sword, hoping to bind it to himself and take over the role of master. It instead transfers the powers to the boy, due to the (invisible) fatherā€™s soul deciding its time for his son to start using it. The son shouts insults at the patriarch of the servant family, bragging about how he diverted the ritual even though his father was the one who did that, but he was blissfully unaware of that.
The dream ended there.

The card game seemed like an interesting game idea, though it sounds hard to make a modular story like that that actually makes some sense for most configurations.

The story drew from fantasy and anime inspirations and the maneuverability partially from KARLSON and partially from my default weightless controls inside dreams. The abomination was probably because Iā€™d recently talked about Path of Exile with someone, the railroad tracks because Iā€™ve watched a few videos about infrastructure in the past few days. (Bicycles are the future of transportation.)
Heirloom because Iā€™ve watched some Baumgartner Restauration videos.
The yellow boy came from a rich family because Iā€™ve seen game review video essays about the gap between rich and poor.


Last night I dreamt that deca removed pets from the game and just made vitality and wisdom extremely broken so that 75 vit/wis was a divine pet. And they removed in combat system. Then people that were mad that they spent money on their pet were compensated by haveijf boatloads of gvit + gwis put in their gift chest


ā€¦you play too much.


Do you think 45 minutes a day (not every day) is too much? Maybeā€¦ this was also probably due to the fact that I had a very similar discussion about this sort of thing with somebody that night before I went to bed.


My /s was too small lol


I didnā€™t dream anything last night, next perso-


Last night I dreamt that I was cycling through an arid vaguely coastal area with a pal, I was a bit slower than him and was overtaken by two teenage girls on e-bikes who mocked me for being slow. Then a group of mountain biking folk passed me and I joined them on an exhilarating trip downhill to the beach.
The song that was playing in my head for most of the rest of these dreams was Pitbull - Timber ft. Ke$ha, the dream matching that vibe.

We cycled and jumped over treetops and through perilous wilderness for kilometers at speeds more fitting for a motorcycle on the freeway than any bicycle, more bouncing from dangerous landing to dangerous landing than actually cycling. I actually joined them in hopes of overtaking the girls who mocked me, which looking back was a bit childish and purposely exemplified my internal oversensitivity/compulsive correction issue. (Iā€™m not nearly this extreme with it IRL of course)
My city bike really wasnā€™t built for those speeds and rough environments and it was shaking vigorously as we descended. We eventually landed our last jump in the water of a high tide shore and the others had dunked their bike down mid-air so as to not let it get salty ocean water all over it causing rust, but I hadnā€™t thought of that so my bike landed in the water with me.

I hadnā€™t brought a change of clothes other than a t-shirt so I couldnā€™t quickly be dry and got a bunch of beach sand on me as I tried to climb the dune. I went back to wash off and try again and I saw the two girls arriving at the beach, so I gloated at them for making it there earlier than them but they were just confused. One of the mountain biking gang explained to me that they were probably just joking when they called me slow.
(woke up due to cold seconds before my alarm went off, snoozed twice, turned the alarm off and went back to sleep, the alarm wake-ups are spread throughout the next section)

After all that I entered a small church nearby with the mountain biking people and the dream changed scenes. In the church some rich person wanted us to rehearse an opera/musical that would be recorded. (Also a very short vampire tangent I donā€™t remember) At some point we would have to do a dramatic fall backwards and I was supposed to land on some other dude since I was kind of frail and not very heavy. (again extremified reality)
During an explanation moment for the rehearsal a turtlebug landed on our table and I said it looked cute (think of a fly with a miniature green tortoise shell-looking thing)
(cue overheating because I pulled back my cover when I woke up from the cold)
But another person at the table said I shouldnā€™t say that since that bug is notorious for some nasty effects when they sting you. After that I grew a little paranoid of the bug, opting to evade it whenever it came near. The rich person organising the event noticed the movement around my table and decided to have us vote whether or not we should all have to stop moving and disrupting the event.
We all had to write down on a piece of paper ā€œYesā€ several times if we agreed with him or ā€œMy name is <name>ā€ several times if we disagreed. After counting ballots, to his surprise over half the people had voted with their names, so there were no consequences for the unruly bunch (which included me)

After the rehearsal was done I still wasnā€™t able to stop moving even though the bug was long gone, and I went over to a corner where a bunch of women were singing an a capella version of some pop song (I donā€™t remember the lyrics/melody, but it was nice) and I joined in a little. One of the people complimented me afterwards on my participation and I turned off my alarm for the last time. Then people started playing soccer and I wasnā€™t interested in that so I went to look for my bag. A dude pointed out where my bag was and asked me where <name of person I met shortly two years ago> was and I looked around but didnā€™t see him.

Eventually I went to some kind of strange miniature cinema where there were two dimly projected screens. I was kind of late so I had missed the explanation of how to view the film properly. The left screen was blank with some changing blotches of dim colour and the right screen was a very dim black and white film with very slight colouring in some places. The idea was that somehow you were supposed to view it a certain way and that would make the right screen seem fully brightly coloured and much less dim and you would be able to watch the film. I tried crossing my eyes to have the screens overlap and after some fiddling I was able to see the film. What I then was saw something that looked like the Spanish Inquisition from Monty Python.
End of dreams.


Every element of these dreams relate to something Iā€™ve thought about in the past day/week.


Last night, I dreamt that me and some friends had found a method to change the CSS of the spaces we were in (like an inspect element kind of thing, but IRL), letting us change variables inside those spaces. We messed around with it, hoping people wouldnā€™t find out we were doing it. We were mostly using it to alter our stats. It was also somehow related to some API key we shared within our group to access the exploit. There might have been different teams within some competition.
I havenā€™t focused too much on remembering this dream as I was waking up, so Iā€™ve lost most of it.

Around the time I was first shown the CSS thing I was in a mall of sorts. We ran away from enforcement and that ended with me floating around with the wind trying to avoid being caught.
We entered someoneā€™s house to help them with something (they werenā€™t home) but left open a window after a rowdy evening so the kitchen sink and part of the kitchen counter had been flooded with algae-filled water. I came back to clean up after outside the agreed upon hours, which made me feel a little guilty for entering even as I was cleaning our mess up.
At some point I visited my old high school and saw a bunch of familiar faces of teachers, but I was having too much fun sliding around the school with strange physics in my dream-altered mind-state to really stop and have a conversation with anyone.


My dream was being texted ā€œfeckā€


I had a very unusual dream a few days ago in which I was lying on my back looking at the stars. For hours. No talking, no looking around me, no sounds, just staring up at the sky. It was so wonderfully peaceful, and I woke up feeling extremely refreshed.


I dreamed that my nexus key was broken and no matter how hard I spammed it, it didnā€™t work. I had to force quit my client.

I think I need to take a breakā€¦


Last night I dreamt that I had an arranged date with a cancer patient, at a demanding volunteer organisation.
It was fairly awkward and I very much wasnā€™t sure if I wanted to be there or not.


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I was arriving at my new job as a Phd student (actually starting in a few months), which apparently had moved from a german city I donā€™t want to specify to Stockholm. I then started exploring the city with my new colleagues and this whole thing was apparently inside a jrpg. I dont remember too much, but the dream got quite scary near the end and ended with finding a couple of corpses in some side characters bath room. And traveling by train/airplane played some weirdly prominent role in the first part of the dream, but I donā€™t really remember that either.


Thought Iā€™d post here cos I finally had an elusive ā€˜croak dreamā€™ā€¦

Iā€™m at my allotment with my mother and brother. We have mattocks and weā€™re desperately trying to dig up the foundations of our shed, which are made from a strange black substrate like volcanic sand.

At one point I realise that thereā€™s no point in trying ā€“ Iā€™m utterly doomed. I use the black sand to write a final message to my mother and brother on the flagstones of the patio. ā€˜What are you doing?ā€™ they say, ā€˜weā€™ll definitely make it, just keep diggingā€™. But I know in my heartā€™s core that I wonā€™t make it. I check the time and thereā€™s 4 minutes until ā€˜it happensā€™. I copy-paste the message ā€˜hey might get annihilated in the next 4 minutes thanks for everything friend i love your bones & make ur dreams real <3ā€™ to all of my closest friends.

My mother and brother still digging. I step around the shed and see a vicious looking grey missile calculating a flight path before rapidly starting to descend. I shout out. Mother and brother start running in the opposite direction. We know that, in order to survive the missile, we need to grab heavy rocks so that the fall damage from its knockback doesnt kill us. They are able to latch onto heavy weights but I veer to the left while running and end up in the neighbouring allotment with nothing to grab. The missile strikes.

The missile blasts me so far and so fast into the sky that it literally rips my soul from my body and I die. The physics of the event were rather like getting clubbed by a giant in Elder Scrolls V. While I watch my body ragdoll limply to earth, Iā€™m conscious of the thought that this only happened because I knew it would happen, and if I didnā€™t know it would happen, I would have easily survived.

I also had the weird knowledge that very soon my spirit would transmute into a buzzard and I would feast on my own carrion. Far down below my body has turned into a splintered black mineral statue with lava for intestines.

Somehow now Iā€™m watching a shitty dating-game show on TV and one of the contestants has a girlfriend who is the same exact broken statue of my body, however there is a buzzard perched on its head. ā€˜Thatā€™s one way to escape the consequences of deathā€™, I think.


Last night I had a really strange dream.
It started with my family visiting a museum and child-me taking home a sea lion from that.
I loved the sea lion and cuddled with it on a daily basis until on the third day, it was missing. It turned out my parents had secretly taken the sea lion to a garbage dump to have it destroyed and discarded because it was making a mess around the house and they didnā€™t have the facilities to take good care of it.
I was heartbroken, but also kind of understood the reason.
[I think this sea lion event might symbolically represent the way Iā€™m reluctant to bond with people and commit to a friendship for fear of loss.]
After that, I was lonely so I went to visit my brother, who lived in some strange alien / superpower commune with totalitarian characteristics. [influenced by recent consumption of JrEg videos on youtube and influenced by generic anime settings seen in childhood]
I eventually found myself alone in an empty side room which had a power socket in the wall.
A small bird emerged from that power socket, followed by a dubious-looking man who happened to be my brotherā€™s neighbour. The bird extended its head towards me and I blocked it with the handle-side of a broom. This bird then tried to swallow the broom, slowly extending its neck to accommodate more of the broomā€™s shaft. It stopped when it reached the wide part of the broom, it being too wide to fit in its beak. It slowly retracted itself and the man left.
I later went to the balcony together with my brother and told him about what happened and how I thought the man had infiltrated through the electrical wires of his home. There was a wifi router with a mess of cables on the corner of the balcony for some reason and then several ā€œpeopleā€ passed by flying, the last one being a friendly middle-aged gelatinous creature that offered us some of its food, a pile of raw gummy-looking monster meat. We humbly rejected and I decided I wanted to investigate more about the shady things happening in his commune so I joined my brother as he went to his school. We entered an ongoing PE class and joined the waiting line for the exam. Me, not knowing what to do as I didnā€™t really belong there, just went along with it and went to the instructor when it was my turn. It seemed that students were taking some sort of exam which involved reflexes, dynamic solutions to dynamic problems, and in my case, hockey. I messed up several times, making a fool of myself and the dream ended.

I think I might have missed a bunch from the early parts because I didnā€™t immediately try to fully consolidate my memory of the dream, but I did get some primary plot points. The brother part was like a third of the dream.

Also, sorry for the necropost but I like this thread and I like describing my dreams. People rarely care to hear them when I describe them IRL just after waking up.


Nah, this is a great thread. Iā€™m glad someone revived it! Iā€™ve had 2 dreams since my last post, andā€¦ letā€™s just say I wouldnā€™t want to be posting half of what they entailed.

Iā€™ve also learned that perhaps the reason I donā€™t dream as much might have to do with my breathing patterns and not sleeping deeply enough, which is why Iā€™m so constantly running on adrenaline!