What does a star mean to you?


Damn, true - just got back into the game, and just bc I can merch myself a set of tops, means I RWT?

Star update

Light blue - noob
(Light blue with good gear - rwt)
Blue - less noob
(same rule applies)
Red - faggot
Orange - faggot
Yellow - good player
White - faggot


Wat about a light blue mule?

u fall under the catagory of "faggot"
i do too


That’s why i put it in (paratheses)
because it’s not always the case but most of the time


Stars to me, remind me how many hours I spent looking at pixels on a screen. :sushing_face:


hey u! edit that back in! I SAW IT




i haz legendary pet
u no haz
we same star (both 40 star)
u sux


I have two max rares but i’m too poor to get a legendary pet yard :frowning:



Toxic hacker or nice dude


I just got my legendary pet at 50 stars D:


You guys have fucked up outlooks. See everyone as a person, good bad, idc…


I’m not an asshole… I think


I LIKE BULLETHELLS. I can dodge well. I guess?




Take this with a grain of salt as I am a “filthy blue star noob”, and most of what I’m basing my experience on is on USEast and the forums.

Light Blue star: Generally spambots but the few actual players I see are new players or ppes, the ppes vary, but most of the new players actually cooperate and are willing to be decent people compared to the higher ranks, others are completely toxic and overly aggressive

Blue star: (Warning, bias may be present) I don’t really see anything wrong with these guys as a lot of them are actually decent individuals, and their willing to at least be civil, otherwise those that aren’t are huge twats. I see a lot of blue stars and light blue stars cooperating and talking with each other in realms, and it’s kinda endearing in a way. Some that I am friends with, and including me, have played for quite a while, managing to max a certain class, but have been playing that class so long they can’t easily adjust to playing something else, or just don’t want to fame train up a character they aren’t interested in ever playing. Granted, the more vocal ones are simply cunts

Red stars: I’m not sure if the red stars I meet are different from everyone else, but from personal experience, these guys are usually the worst. They are overly cocky with a semblance of a superiority complex from no longer being a blue star, but not quite an orange star. I rarely see any of these guys being civil or decent, but folding like wet paper to agree with someone of a “higher caliber” (literally what some of the red stars say)

Orange: The lower rank oranges are really obvious in that they are even cockier than the red stars as they have just passed the threshold, but the average to higher ranking ones are among the best people I’ve come across. They seem to be decent human beings, which isn’t normal in this game

Yellow: These guys are what I generally like to consider the real “pros” of the game. I actually look up to these guys TBH. They are generally my favorite people as they aren’t cunts to other players and aside from the odd tryhard farming their way to “the best of the best”, I can’t really say too much that’s bad about these guys, haven’t come across too many that were less than decent. Wish more people were like this, or at least maintained similar attitudes into “white star territory”

White: Oh boy, again, I’m not sure if it’s lack of exposure or anything, but in game, these guys are generally huge rectum waffles; ready to lord their position over anyone they can find, and have super fragile egos. If something doesn’t go their way, they will go to the ends of the earth to make everyone’s day terrible, either by dirtying whatever they can, dragging whatever they can, or just being a general nuisance. Some of these guys will drag or dirty just to ruin everyone’s day for the hell of it. They won’t be likely to respond to you because their star requirement is usually ridiculously high, and will only turn it down to berate someone. I have only seen one, yes one, white star act like a decent person so far in game. On the forums, there is still a sense of superiority, but a little more toned down and reigned in, but you still sometimes get the feeling that they think their opinion matters so much more, and that the rabble should consider it as such. There are many more “kinder” white stars on the forums, but sometimes it just seems like they do it to maintain a positive image, not because they are actually genuinely good people.

"worthless blue star states worthless opinions" ~ Some white star “god”


Shit. He’s on to us.


I am a light blue star because my account got hacked 3 years ago and I just started playing again less than a week ago. Most people can’t even see my messages in-game including my own guildies lol feelsbadman


I wanna see my opinion in this
Light Blue Star - RWT/Bot/NAE/Annoying faggot begger/Alt/Mule
Blue Star - Doesn’t know how to fucking use /t /Noob begger / Alt / Mule / General noob thinking they’re pro/ Pro but only uses like 2 classes
Red Star - Soviet Faggot who thinks they’re pretty cool because they have a shit rare pet and old tops/ Pro
Orange - Faggot
Piss - Pro / Pro but faggot / Pro and Cool
Cum - If it’s in train: Talk about how they fucked an underage girl last night (ONLY WITH OTHER WHITE STARS)/ Doesn’t talk and has chat muted /
Not in train: Ball Sweaty Huge P2W drunk man or Shatter/ Nice dude and pretty chill / Faggot / Youtuber who spends all day trying to get their 1k subs to suck their huge internet phallus / Pro but ignores everyone and rarely talks / Mega Faggot who looks down on every star below them / “F2P” who is actually P2W but wants to act cool (AKA FWEFT)


“Ball sweaty P2W drunk man or Shatter”

No need for a OR :thinking: