What Foods Do You Dislike?


Then what candy is good?

I personally like peppermint stripes if you know what they are.

Although I like eating different foods instead of shoving down one food.


I’m a simple person~

Give me a classic chocolate bar, mints, or one of those chewy sweets and I’ll be happy for the rest of the day :3


There is no ‘good’ candy. Its all extremely bad for your health.

@xaklor If you want some steak that’s actually halfway decent and tender, I recommend pan frying it with olive oil. It makes the meat really tender and juicier compared to the dry rock you usually get when you grill it. And also, be sure to add a PUNCH of salt, rosemary, Italian Seasoning, and black pepper. Delicious. Also, Its probably better to use ribeye for this method, as the fat adds extra bursts of flavor. An alternative cut would be strip steak.


While I agree that eating candy regularly is not a good health choice, it must be said that eating candy isn’t “bad” in of itself. The primary concern with candy is the polysaccharides, which are classified as simple sugars. Simple sugars are broken quickly down into glycogen, but are stored as fat when not used. While a typical office worker with a sedentary lifestyle may not use the glycogen quickly and it therefore converts into fat, candy can be used as a quick and tasty way of replenishing glycogen stores.

I personally have a candy bar and a yogurt packet as my post triathlon snack, because I can rarely stomach starchy carbohydrates and the yogurts protein helps repair the muscle tissue while the metabolic window is open.


I just got my braces tightened. So everything is impossible to eat (save for some soups and drinks).
(I haven’t eaten in around 10 hours now :E )


youll get through it fam

i got mine off last month


Sauerkraut, brussels sprout, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, bananas, potato gratin.
And thats just the stuff where I’d rather go hungry.


I’m mixed when it comes to fish. There’s fish I dislike (sushi, tuna, anchovies), fish I do like (fried haddock fillet (also known as lekkerbekjes), kibbeling), and fish that I sort of like (small fried fishies. idrk what kind they are).

Aside from that, I try to maintain a healthy distance of at least 1 meter from parsley.
Mushrooms are a vague zone for me as well.


Nothing exactly comes to mind

i used to eat fermented cabbage soup with boiled cows hoof as a broth as a child so Im pretty open when it comes to food

a breakfast meal i eat alot is beet rice which is Beets with rice and mayoanise which turns the rice pinks it taste good and looks interesting

though i can see how those outside of eastern europe might find that meal to be odd

i had durain ice cream that was alright but yeah the fruit on its own id rather avoid if I could

Ive eaten more cabbage then can be mathematically comprehended


I’ve been living under a rock, so I haven’t really tried many foods though like durian, although I’ve tried jackfruit which isn’t too bad.


I never liked cucumbers because it’s tasteless and the cold feeling is off-putting.

I also dislike tomatoes because the slimy texture of raw tomatoes and how tasteless it is after putting it into a refrigerator…


I’ve been told that, and I am wondering what redeeming characteristics it has to compensate for the smell.


Not really. Any health benefits that durian provides (found from a quick google search, not even sure if it is that healthy) can be substituted for an alternative, tastier food. Also, durian is expensive! That being said, I’m actually curious if anyone actually likes durians because I can’t seem to comprehend the thought of liking the fruit.


Onion RINGS are good on burgers.

Even better: Onion straws :drooling_face:


the smell, once you get over it, isnt that bad. it has a creamy flavour reminiscent of ice cream when refridgerated. it has a faint fragrance reminiscent of onions.

i dont really like it but there are some people who do


If you want to try something that smells truly awful, check out surströmming, a Swedish fermented fish dish.


i heard of that
apparently it smells like condensed fish guts
no thank you

ah yes
that would explain it


That’s because it is condensed fish guts.


Public school food, if you even consider them to be food.


Just spotted this post, and I honestly can’t blame anyone who hates durian. It’s a strange exotic fruit that either hits or misses your palette, either by smell, taste, or both x)

I personally love durian, and by that, I mean every aspect of it from the taste, smell, texture, by-products (eg. Ice-cream). I think by saying this, I’ve garnered a lot of weird looks from people, so I shall now crawl back into my corner.