What I'd Change


This is a guide about what I’d change in this game if I could make it better.

First and foremost, I’d change the statis ability and perhaps instead of using it on a monster, allow it to be used on yourself only. The reason for this is because statis has only been, from what I’v seen , used to troll other players. Some guy who isn’t even helping me fight, comes out of nowhere and sees I’m trying to kill a difficult monster, and just pops statis on the monster before it’s dead, as if to protect it in its last moments while giving the surrounding enemies a chance to dish out more damage before the target monster is dead. This spell is only used to troll. I’v never once seen this give anybody and advantage in any way. Maybe it could, but, I just haven’t seen it. It’s like putting a visual timer on a green light instead of a red light when driving.

Second off, I’d allow chest and character slots to be purchased with fame which the price would go up exponentially. The fact that you only get 1 chest and 1 character, pretty much means you have to kill yourself, can only store up to 4 pots with the gear you had before, and can’t really risk maxing your character at any given run because you might need fame to level your pet.

Third off, I’d make a new system in the game which acts like a kind of prestige system, without forcing yourself to die to a monster. This system would allow you to level up a character, aquire maximum fame, and purposely sacrifice your character. This would allow you to cash in fame without having to get to level 20 all over again, because to be honest, it’s not hard to get to level 20, but, it is time consuming, and this would get rid of the need for a second character slot or extra chest, which are two features clearly intended on paying to win.

Fourth off, I’m really annoyed with how the mad god force summons everybody in the realm. I literally just leave when this happens. There are people who can solo the mad god. Let a gateway open or something and when people defeat the mad god, let the server kick everybody if that’s the case, but, don’t send them to a dungeon they will surely die if they are new and deter them from playing the game, or give them a chance to leech off other players.

Finally, I’d buff the health of all classes by about 25% and
buff the priest ability to heal by about the same so people don’t have to teleport into an instant death situation on accident and because the heal the priest has is honestly ineffective in most cases.

Thank you for listening


Sure, it can be pretty trolly


No[quote=“Renovama, post:1, topic:11632”]
Finally, I’d buff the health of all classes by about 25%

Hell no

What does this mean?

No, simply have a grace period on Tp where you cannot attack and cannot be attacked.

Extremely effective*


Mystic’s stasis can seem really annoying, but it can be one of the most useful abilities when used at the right time. The “at the right time” is the bit that a lot of mystics don’t get, sometimes on purpose for trolling, yes admittedly.

I think Oryx Castle serves a good purpose in teaching about dying in the game. Even if you have played really carefully, for a couple of hours killing enemies in lowlands & midlands, going to the Castle is almost certain to kill you on your first visit. Or at least teach that there are some parts of the game that are Too Difficult for you a new player.

I think it would be worse if every new player could keep alive for days, because then when that first RIP hits, it is more painful, and could lead to quitting, thinking the player has finished the game after a few days. Better to learn that it can all end at any moment and give players the decision whether they like that idea, or not, very early in their playing, IMO.


Hush, he’s guiding us.


Just nexus man![quote=“Renovama, post:1, topic:11632”]
used to troll other players

This is true, but it’s never really pissed me off too much. Once you get better at the game the mystic will become your best friend, especially in shatters.

Let them die, for this is a game where you learn from death. Death is the greatest teacher in the Realm, if you don’t count Talwar.

Nah, too op.

Woah there! Calm yourself! You need to play priest more my friend! He is honestly the most sturdy son of a mother and father in the realm!

But hey, nice opinions man. You’ll learn more about this wonderful game as you get better.


You have literally started this game (accorsing to realmeye at least), maybe you should play the game more before making ideas, because a ton of things are MUCH different than they look.

True that people troll, but these trolls dont really hurt a soul, plus stasising allows people to rush dungeons that is normally a no no to rush. Just get used to the stasis trolls.

Then decas gonna loose a huge majority of the profit it needs to keep this game running, plus that would just promote fame-training.

Because this game is all about dying. If you really want that fame, then instead of complaining about the fact that slots cost money, maybe you can just get a mule to store your gear, go die, and rebuild without loosing a single gear.

No. By doing this you are defeating the concept of this game. Plus, this game isnt exactly p2w now, as extra slots are tbh, complete luxury and the pet problem being slowly filled up with the new calender supplying active players with free ambrosia.

This does not make sense.

This is coming from a person who has not yet learned to dodge bullets and still tanks everything like a oreo pally with admin crown.

What does that mean?

excuse me? You dare call the priest incompetent? Its by far one of the best classes in the game no joke. You never heard how well a priest can survive shit and rush dungeons?


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