What is the most efficient "logistics" for maxed pet?


I want to start out that I am against spending money on this game. It might have ties to when I played Realm when it was owned by Wildshadow, but in a more general sense we can all agree this game is not high quality to be spending dollars on.

In realmeye.com/forum/t/a-calculated-cost-of-a-100-100-100-pet-unpaid-paid/4499/13 ,
I made some rough estimates on various numbers for maxed pet related matters.

I have to deal with the accumulation of ~7000 feed power items. I need an efficient trading mechanism, and a way to make around 500 mules to hold my feed power, unless I work on the fame first. Currently, I get a trade for a feed extremely roughly once a half hour with my 52 trade offers on realmeye, is there a way to reach out to everyone about buying items?

That being said, farming for ~14000 def or other liquidatables isn’t an easy feat in itself.What is the expected per hour in amassing de facto currency?

The biggest time sink is like fame. 3.8 million fame is a lot, and according to

it looks like a dedicated fame farmer can make ~2000 fame per hour at high efficiency.
That is 1900 hours of fame train camping. I’d go insane; I haven’t invested this much time in any other game in my life, let alone on some asinine grind. I doubt anyone in this game has spent this much time on a fame train while killing their character at 218 every time, yet there are 19 maxed pets and >300 single hundred pets out there. There must be some secret, unless DECA has made over half a million dollars selling ambrosia mystery boxes and super ambrosia packs. What is the secret? Something doesn’t add up.

wait no one has 3.8 mil acc fame wtflol


That’s just the fame currently stored on each account, unused. Not quite the same thing as this:


Seems to me like you’re not taking into account the possibility that people just duped high-fp items and used a combination of fame and money to reach Divine.

Also wasn’t your 3.8 Mil figure based on using only 400-fp items, something nobody would do from Legendary onwards?

I would strongly suggest not to bother with Divine and to try and find another goal in this game, because if the only thing you do is feed your pet, you’ll be bored out of your mind long before you reach the end, regardless of what method you use.


Personally, I found that it is best to buy multiple feed power items at once. I will buy multiple for a life or something. If you are concerned about space, I will let you in on my secret feed power item of choice: the geb wand. While it isn’t as efficient money wise, I tend to buy their 800 feed power for 1L each. It saves me a bit of space (roughly 20-40%), and I have to make less mules.


…wait? this is when u fame to 225 and suicide right?



my friend has 2000 hours on tf2, 1000 on cs:go, 200 overwatch


This feels like the most probable answer, but I’m sort of against duping items… But man, not even that list has 3.8 million fame.
400 FP items yeah. Otherwise do I just have to buy Geb wands? It seems I have have to up the de facto grind instead.

It seems like I’ll have to give up on playing Realm and pick up another game.