What is the totems health bar for


i was doing a forbidden jungle when i noticed that the totems at the end have a hp bar and i was wondering why it was this way?


While I don’t know why this is, I know that many invincible entities in the game works like that.
The one I see most often is the thing that Dr Terrible hides in.

My guess is that it is just a small coding error because they didn’t think about hp bars when making the enemies.


I just assumed it was because they had to make them entities. Actually…IDK


but still why would it be at half health?


Honestly, no clue.

Maybe the objects needed some hp value to work as intended, so they set it at half full for some reason.

It might be possible to figure out why it is like that in the game code,but I think you would have to contact the wildshadow devs for an exact answer as to why they did it like that in the first place.


I think it’s at half health because since it’s a bug, the health is stuck between dead and full HP. I’m just puttin’ it out there, I really don’t know.

PS Your derp face is fine, but mine is better :slight_smile:


Maybe It’s needed for setting phases like when this have full HP it’s not shooting but when it goes to 1/2 HP It’s starting to shoot?


Yeah I noticed this too and also the Healy is random I think, I’ve seen it at full so times and half, others


Intriguing topic.

I’m just gonna ping @Mrunibro, since he’s had a good history of answering my questions regarding how the game works, ty xD.


The XML seems to have hit/death sounds for invincible enemies but other than that idk.


actually makes a whole shit ton of sense


Any object that doesn’t have the static/ tag, is not invisible, doesn’t have the nominimap/ tag or doesnt have an invisible alttexture will have an HP bar

Because the totem has none of the above it gets to have a health bar. However, because it has the GameObject Class, you don’t have to specify an amount of hp.

When you don’t specify health, it probably assumes it has got 0 health.

Because that would result in a divide by 0 error on the health bar, the devs likely included an ‘on error goto’ exception for this problem, that then defaults the health bar to half hp

Edit: if I write xml here it vanishes because it assumes it as markup, lol

E2 fixd


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