What is your fav UT?




Scutum or Mad robe


at first mine was the ogmur then the T-shot was made and i fell in love :slight_smile:


Pet Rock.




Dagger of the Amethyst Prism Amethyst Shift



Expo, for its versatility and ease to obtain.
For offensive use: fulmi. Super useful on a Sorc


Thousand shot


I like cbow…never gotten one in 5 years of playing this game


Idk but did someone forgot crown ??


I don’t see anyone saying crown or gem or bracer or pyra


Also dblade is good


Expo. Obviously.


I’m with niggel, I love Dbow.


Ogmur. It has the nicest sprite of any item in the game.


Spirit Dagger


Prism of Dancing Swords. So clutch.


Probably Pyra because its awesome on every class


Character Slot Unlocker

