What is your WPM?


somewhere around



I can type 115 WPM in a 10 second test? :man_facepalming:


You called?


I usually get around 50-60 wpm. In rotmg I get a lot higher but make more grammatical errors.


fite meh


The avg is 93 accuracy but the accuracy is 100
I need @Mynamerr to explain that


I had a couple dud attempts before I took that screenshot, so the average got a bit messed up. I just tried it on a different site now. This is an image of the results of my first try now, so no averages will mess with it.





i used to use a typewriter in school
i still have my type writer (going to find it)

The outside it comes in a brief case you can’t take it out

Retook the picture last ones were blurry
The inside. It was a actually a fine piece of American hardware. I’ve used a russian type writer and it was awful.

It weights around 14 kilos( 30 pounds ) so it’s not fun to carry back and forth to school we ushally left it there

Try getting 100 wpm with that without your fingers bleeding


I usually do only 30 or 40 when I’m typing up stuff for school though.


No, what I meant was that’s way better than mine


Holy… shit. I’ve got that feeling you get after meeting a celeb!

But how do you hit 144 wpm?!


i never learned to type, so i am around the 40-60 area


Neither have I, just from playing Minecraft so much as a kid I learned to type fairly fast. (pls no roast)


i never played minecraft, i grew up with arrow keys, i can’t switch to wasd now


It’s its realm related it’s around 70 to 80 wpm. If it’s a paper for school, and I’m in the zone, it’s high 90’s


Funny, I used to use the keyboard with my right hand and mouse with my left hand 'til I was nine then switched when I turned 10 when I was introduced to LoL. I had to get used to opening my chat with enter instead of “T” therefore me changing my whole way of using the keyboard :joy:


What’s your LoL username?



I’m not that good, I believe it is either “ryanchu” or “aphlx”


using a disgusting school keyboard (dell keyboard kb212-b)

i could do better with my personal one :frowning: