What qualifies for whine cellar


I’ve made several posts, but many of them go to Whine Celler, so
I’m wondering what qaulifies for it.In one of my posts the first reply was “This qaulifies as wc.” which makes me wanna ask you guys this.Will you please answer the question in the comments?

[Edit: removed the scroll text to make it easier to read. -Nevov]


General shitposts count. There have been tons of people that made “Oryx is a salty peeve!” Threads, so I guess people are fed up with it? Idk, honestly.


-Posts that are derailed
-Posts that violate the forum rules
-Posts that dont contain any content


Tf is with that first part

Posts that annoyingly format text like this, making it extremely painful for others to attempt to read such text and respond. Please don't format text like this unless you have a good reason to.

(Mynamerr has an actual answer)


I make a big deal of people misspelling things


I don’t really know.


I thank whoever moved this post!


If you do feel that these were unrightfully moved, please let the mods know. They aren’t dictators (unlike Niegil).

Edit: nvm just looked at your post history and the ones that were put in the WC, were shitposts (“oryx is a salty peeve”).

Though to be fair, the description of #community-hub is:

Tell your tales! Plan your adventures! Call Oryx a salty peeve!

which is slightly misleading.


Maybe try out reddit?


uh, maybe try using some brain cells for once?


Thank buffed CDirk that you aren’t a regular.

@Niegil niegilPicture courtesy of SoloSen(?)

Honestly people make Reddit out to be worse than it is. There is definitely toxicity, but generally its a nice place. Most of them are less toxic than me when I’m going batshit crazy, which isn’t saying much, but they’re quite civilized compared to the general forumer concensus. However, they do accept shitposts much more.

Really bad shitposts get WCed. A shitpost in off-topic usually won’t be WCed.


These are contradictory, I’m a mod there

i still agree tho


I mean yeah reddit rotmg is a good place to go for laughs. Most of the memes I make are posted their. But for posting ideas and stuff it’s not very good since the post are hard to find after a few days.


Yet another reason to not use reddit :wink:


fixed ur silly title.

shitposts count as whine cellars so dont do that.


Yeah, I try sometimes.


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