What skin did you get?(Including Motmg, mystery skins, halloween,etc)



you lucky punk.


plague doctor


Mini Geb Priest. :C


Dragon Tamer skin


i actually want that one…
i havent gotten mine yet.



got this from epic skin today


I got a turkey rogue from the daily calendar :slight_smile:


Finally got mine - right on time.


Halloween skin: Haunted knight Halloween pet skin: Lichwyrm Legendary skin: Dr. Spellbomb Rare skin: Mini rosen Epic skin: Mini Phylactary bearer






Once May 14th comes post what skin you got with a picture here!

Good Luck! (hopefully not jester again)


Motmg 2017 ( Free gold skin ) : Wizard Supreme Skin but includes 4 Stone Statues Skins in that event .
Thanksgiving 2017: Frimar Knight Skin
Magic Woods Event March 2018 : Wizard, Archer , Warrior and Priest Sheep Skin
First Epic skin (April) : Turkey Rogue Skin


I got mini oryx Iron Maden and weird assassin skin buff dood


May’s epic skin just came out a few minutes ago, and got a Geb Skin from it :smiley:
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Is that gaod begging?


mini swoll skin