What skins are the best by general consensus?


Everyone likes it. I’d love to get my hands on it one day and dye it a beautiful shade of blue.


I think that most early/tradable skins are regarded as good, but maybe that’s only cause they’re the easiest to access.

Aside from those, Wind Flower has its own subreddit, so I think it’s pretty good.


That’s very true. However, if someone doesn’t like beefcake rogue then it’s hard to be friends with them.






If that’s the 2nd best…

What’s the first?!


I hate all skins
Have fun getting a general consensus now :smiling_imp:


Is it because there are no furry skins?





‘best’ is subjective haha

Where have I heard that before?

My favorite skin is the dragon wizard.






Mushroom skin be real fire




Mushroom warrior skin is good, but imo the dagger classes are ridiculously spoiled with good skins RatjL0E



Mate I can’t even begin to compare all those skins. I also like a lot of pet skins

…have we reached one thousand skins yet? lmao


totally subjective. but it’s the death ninja skin.


Is totally subjective but Oshiri is 100% right