What to do next in the game?


(If this is posted in the wrong section, I apologize. I wasn’t really sure where to put this at.)

Hello, I recently achieved my last goal in the game (100k alive fame) and I feel like I’ve run out of things to do in the game. I’ve solo’d nearly every dungeon in the game, I have all of the best whites (missing some event whites, but those are so not coming anytime soon), I was able to max my divine to 100/100 this year, and I also recently hit 40/40 8/8s (40 slots).

Really what I’m looking for is suggestions to keep me playing the game, as the only thing that has me playing still is that my guild is thriving. Do any top players have recommendations? (Or anyone really) I’m not really a fan of PPEs as they’re just not difficult (I have 8/8’d with my “ppe pet” which is unmax rare) and neither are npes as I feel like you’re just sitting around waiting to heal 90% of the time.

Thanks in advance, and best of luck to you all!

(Sorry for the poor formatting and the length of the post itself.)


Solo things. When you’ve done that, solo things petless. When you’ve done that, do a rags to riches merching video. Then do an account reset. Then do a massive chest opening. Then learn to rush. Then give light blue stars gear and teach them the ropes. Then collect things. Then try to do a boss without getting damaged. Then apply for Private Testing. Then get a full f2p pet. Then just chill with guildies, you’ve earnt it after all that…




Imo one of the worst design choices in this game is lack of a prestige option, or at least enough goals to last for a few years.


Not really what I was asking.


I agree, game just stagnates after a while. Wish the classes Deca has been adding were as much fun as I had back when I was new trying out like Knight or Priest. Everything is just fun for a month or so and gets boring.


Do all my suggestions. ALL of them.


Done a lot of those suggestions over the years. The idea of no damage runs intrigues me, however, I think it’d be more tedious than fun. (Like NPE)


Collect every item in the game.


I’m not a top player at all, but I think many people still play because they have good guildies, so that’s normal.
I’m not sure how much you play, but playing less, only when you actually want to and not out of habit, can be good. Or maybe do what @PhantomMod is doing here and set fame targets for all your chars.


Become a merching god


• Do an account reset (not really beneficial to you since you already have a “god” pet).
• Solo dungeons.
• Try to speedrun dungeons.
• Chill with your guild.
• Collect every item/all the swapouts for every class.
• Set fame targets for your chars (like @PhantomMod)
• Stream/record?
• Quit/take a break.

Realm does stagnate after a while, I really haven’t gotten to your point yet. Maxing my (only leg) pet is going to take at least a few months, getting my archer to top 10 will take a long time, my fame targets will take a long time, getting an Omni will take a long time, and I’m not really a fan of NPE’s, PPE’s, or account resets.

But what keeps me playing this game is my guild and my guildies, doing weekly events (with the guild), chatting/conversing, helping people with whatever they need, and (of course) stupid events (chest and shard, not bad dungeons with 1.5x boost).


Fame targets are nice but it’s even better if you try to earn them in the most legitimate way possible to get the most out of your experience. Sitting in the fame train for 18 hours a day or doing nothing but LH runs would be incredibly boring, unachieving and soul sucking. I got most of my fame through doing Realm stuff…playing mostly the endgame dungeons that drop from the realm bosses like Nest, Fungals etc.

If I ever joined a raid, it was for marks to complete the tinkerer’s quest, and even then I set a requirement for myself. Since Pub Hall runs are now almost impossible to join unless you get to access them early, I made it such that if I had obtained 1 vial of darkness from my realm adventures, I would be entitled to 1 void run. This makes getting those marks a more fulfilling and meaningful task to me, rather than click some reaction buttons and hope I make it fast enough. But that’s just me, I like to earn things on my own accord for the most part :>


Out of curiosity, have you ever completed a public void?


Thank you all for your suggestions. I think I’ll just take a break from the game for some time, and hopefully when I return, I’ll enjoy the game more. Just a few replies, but I don’t know how to reply so I’ll just list the things here.

  • Fame goals wouldn’t work for me, as I don’t really care about fame. Getting to 100k itself was mostly a chore, and if I had other options to keep me playing, I would have chosen anything else. @Kittie

  • I have nearly all swapouts for all of my main characters. The items I am missing are items like Ogmur and Jugg, which could take anywhere from a week to years before I get one. @Demonseye

  • Like mentioned in the original post, I have solo’d everything worth soloing so far. (MBC, Cult, Shatters, Nest, haven’t tried fungal, but it shouldn’t be very difficult.) @DosVapes

Perhaps I’ll just wait for some new content to be released, as the weekly events thing has grown stale. Again, thank you all for your suggestions.

Edit: There are a lot of things I haven’t solo’d petless, but more out of laziness and the mentality it wouldn’t be fun over that it would be difficult.


funny I recently just hit 100k alive fame and got my pet to 100 100 as well. Im just going to go for the items I do not have/want. Mercy’s bane and Cult Staff/Skull (died with my full cult set lol) \ still gonna farm voids and play with the guild. Maybe start a ppe Ninja as well, I agree ppes are easy, but have you ever tried going for a perfect one? By this I mean getting every item for the class that is UT/ST etc.

From reading this post/your replies it doesn’t seem like you are looking for more stuff to do. It sounds like you are burnt out and need a break from the game.

breaks are really good. I took a 7 month one and started playing again in February. Then I returned to the game and it felt brand new.


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I suppose you’re right. I did want something to do, but nothing listed sounded appealing to me.

Thanks man.


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