What Was Your First Event White?


Ray, followed by Oreo, then Ogmur


Ray, then back to back jugg and ray.


Ray katana was my first. Not really satisfied with that but randomness doesn’t ask.




It took me over 4 years… Maybe you’ll be luckier than me…


ayy, got another jugg. I like RNG


you did not


I did, you just didn’t see my first jugg


r a y k a t a n a


Got a Jugg, Ogmur, and Ray in my first year of playing
all on 0/8’s too


Ray, Conflict, back-to-back oreo.
That’s it.








Believe mine was a jugg


um u pulled like 8 out of 130, thats not everyone


Does csword count?


Technically QOT is not an event white, even though it holds event white rarity.


Nah,. and CSwords are a dime and dozen anyway.


oh ok


My first event white was a conflict. I was still new to the game and didn’t know how rare it was so I fed it to my pet. I still regret it to this day…