What would you think of a boss-oriented end-game dungeon?


I guess a bosh rush style might be neat, but we do have about 4 CoO bosses that could be used for some kind of boss rush, just going through different portals.


The idea I’m alluding to is less of a boss rush and more of a dungeon that has a lot of bosses that are unique. Say, around like, 5 harder bosses and 7 or so less hard bosses, all being connected in something maze-like.


The Shatters, but with more bosses?


or the locker key system with more bosses

Edit: oh my gosh, Davy Jones’ LOCKer has LOCKS


Shatters is more “kill this and rush back” of a dungeon, and the path is always the same.


Shatters is an interesting dungeon with a cool concept, the only problem being that the enemies just decide that the screen should be made of bullets


So, perhaps something like a Candyland, if the map was copied over and over to the size of Lost Halls, while having bosses around every so corridor?


I mean, lost halls has 3 bosses, is Lost Hall sized (duh), and has respawning enemies


I’ll paint a better picture here.

Say, you’re in a starting room, and there’s three possible paths, but you can only go for one. You have to bring some sort of objective through that will make it easier while fending off enemies to give a type of “fight” feeling while you’re going towards a boss.

Once you arrive, the objective makes it a bit easier, and the boss begins. You keep doing this until you reach the 4th main boss, and while there are dead ends, some have mini bosses that are short and sweet. The main bosses would be far longer of fights but would still be interesting and skill-based.


So of the three paths, given 3 sub bosses, and each after sub boss maze having about 3 other bosses, and then each path having its own main boss.

That’s a lot of bosses,


I’d say that the 4th boss is connected to an area somewhere along the path of the 1st, and you have to backtrack to it, with a few minibosses just before it. No more than 5 bosses and 7 minibosses, though, with the 5th requiring something special to be said to activate it.


is this just a self promo for the Chasm?


How is this any different from MBC. Even if you can solo it it’s always easier and more efficient doing it with more people…


Last part about my idea is the basic map
Screenshot (122)
Black = Hallways
Green = Starting place (randomly spread out in that largish area)
Yellow = Enemy spawn places (as well as some scattered camps that appear later into the dungeon)
Red = Boss Rooms
Light Red = Secret Mini Bosses
Dark Red = Secret Boss Stadium


you know nothing.


The problem here is that you can never have a dungeon that’s purely skill based. 50 people in a group plus a priest will always beat one person.


Unless the dungeon is easier if the group strategically splits up and is made to resist steamrolling

(still easier with 50 people, just steamroll resistant)


How is that any different from MBC. And even if you did resist steamrolling, its further proving my point that if you do it with more people its better.


It’s hard to not use any skill when there’s specific patterns to follow that aren’t necessarily hard to follow but are very punishing if done wrong, though in a fair way.

It’d be like doing a game of DDR. There’s a set pattern and many outcomes, but it will always require skill from the user. And it wouldn’t be like the Marble Colossus where it’s too easy to dodge just by standing at a certain angle for 5 minutes.


It would still be easier to stand in a group with priests.

Less chance of dying, faster boss