What's ur best whitebag iteam you've gotten




Resu, freaked out, never gonna use it tho XD


Ikr :joy:, I got mine when lvling my warrior (@DreadDrake) and I freaked out and my friend in the discord kicked me from my guild :joy:





Rip my dank wizard.


Resu, bracer, 4 dbows, 2 cbows, midnight star, o yea and plague.

EDIT : bracer and plague were on my steam :confused: so wont be in screen shot and bows are on chars

EDIT 2 :




Either my Cbow or my Frimara.


Jugg ass and pyramid in the same day


You NEED to make a warrior (if you haven’t already)


@moderators Merge with white bag thread?


i got a dirk once…it sucked cause i forgot to take screenshot. I mean drop rate on t1 weapons are so rare nowadays…


Check my graveyard :’)


Hmm idk which are my best ones and i don’t know if you mean best by use or rarity so I’m just going to try to list all the ones i remember:

3 dbows, 1 dblade, 4 condus, 1 bulwark, 3 fulmis, 3 mad robes, 1 dancing swords, 1 puppet master assassin skin, 1 esben staff, and like 5+ eps and planes each


Really? Seriously? I have TWO juggs but have never gotten even ONE shatters white.


Cdirk, Bulwark, or Crown


Either dbow, prot, or harle.




Muh Jugg my Warrior is still wearing or my Prot my Priest is wearing toughy…


My best item, personally, is the Cdirk I got nearly 5 years ago. Runner up is the oreo I had gotten about a year ago. Both are gone however. Haven’t gotten anything good sense then.

EDIT: Since* then. Damn phone.