What's wrong with blue stars?


I’m a blue star but I think I’m pretty decent at the game. My computer doesn’t lag me too much. I’m 2 attack away from maxing to 6/8, and I’m already collecting life pots. I have a mule and a guild (admittedly one that went inactive, but I booted everyone out. Restarting it, already have 1 person).

But people don’t seem to treat blue stars well. What is it? On multiple occasions I’ve seen people in the chat putting others down because of the color of their star.

I’m working towards getting a better star, but in the meantime, what’s the deal with people and stars? They’re not even that visible in the chat, you have to be paying attention to notice them.

What does a star mean to you?

Either I’m getting old on these forums or you need to use the search function better. There’s a bunch of replies in those threads, and you should be able to get your discussions from there.

Regardless, maybe someone will want to revive this discussion. Idk, I’m not really interested tbh.

Anyways, gonna move this to #game-discussion.


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: What does a star mean to you?


Ongoing star discussion thread.