What's your best roll?


I once got a +14 speed roll on a knight. Not my best roll but was pretty nice to have. My highest HP roll is +45 on a mystic I think.


i got +44 hp on my alt account…


same lol






my hp roll

It doesn’t get worse than this…

although the def roll was decent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Def roll?



No you just drank a def pot.


… it was a joke


I just wooshed myself then


gonna add shrug emoji or smth to make it more clear haha

I thought that orange stars would be considered experienced enough to know that shit by now, so if they say something absurdly stupid, it would be taken as a joke. I guess people on the internet are all over the place so you never know if they’re just dumb.



One look at reddit could also support this view


Good lord man. :face_with_head_bandage: :gun:


DECA be like:

Epilepsy warning



One look at a selective part of reddit can support anything you care to.


Was there not that one guy with a -56?


there’s been much worse.




Seeing how the scale goes from -95 to +95, your Ninja got fucked over pretty hard.


i like what you got.

