What's your best roll?


Never saw it til now. I think this thread can still run though.


+31 Hp Necro, just died with it, you can see it in my graveyard.


it alright. im not a regular anyway


i dont see how regular has to do with that?


i cant link it right? thats what im thinking


no u can


like i mean combine the two threads


oh. you must be mod.


yeah. thats what i thought


+30 hp knights, you can check my graveyard lol I’ve had multiple


I had something like a -40 hp and -32~ mp on a wizard I made a while back


+56 hp on an npe wizard


@OtherBill (yeah I think it was you but I’m on a bus and will probably forget to check) had some stats about how rare it was to get certain rolls/the odds. Or was it Heromax?


Yes, indeed. You’re referring to this.


+7 hp, - 1mp, + 8 dex + 2.5 att + 4 spd avg. wis - 2 vit

It was on my ninja that is currently 8/8


Bullshit according to OtherBill’s thingy above:


Oops I meant + 7 lmao


1/8 att on a knight was one of the best for my brother
It also came with like +25 hp or something like that
I forgot the mp
It died tho x-x
For me, it would be this sorc that died while maxing


+43 hp on a wizzy


New best roll( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
10/10( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)