What's your best roll?


That’s Insane


Feels bad, its on my crappy mule


is this fake?


probably drank pots smh


+13 def lol you definitely drank pots


i died like an hour after this


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The rolls roll on.

Merged below post and replies from topic titled +50 Roll.


Yeah, you read that right. My current trickster has a +50 roll. My highest before was + 26. Anyone ever had something like that happen before?


Nope. I’ve had a -40 roll before, though


@OtherBill did a cool math hing about rolls. Can someone link it I’m too lazy


I’m not sure I’ve ever passed +40, but I’ve seen people get in the +50 to +60 range before, yes.

FYI the theoretical maximum is free max Life (+95).


Best I’ve ever gotten was +56 hp


It’s a 1 in 5000 chance to get +50 hp.

This might also interest you:


I remember getting a +30 ish hp roll once. My rolls are all super average though so that was pretty crazy to see.


my best is like +30hp or something, not very spectacular.
my worst is like -26hp, and all my ppes seem to get -15hp


somethings wrong i never get this lucky

and yeah big bump



11 life to max samurai, no idea what it was since mreyeball didnt want to tell me


All characters need 19 Life to max on average so that’s anywhere between +40 and +44.