When's the fastest I can fuse to get a 90/90/? Legendary pet?


So I’ve been playing Realm since late 2012 on my first account and I’m finally ready to get a legendary pet basically f2p. I was just wondering when should I fuse, since my secondary pet is 70/70 while the first is only 50/50 (the second was my main one with MHeal/Heal/Savage. So I had to get a new Heal/MHeal/Electric pet for my main.) I don’t really care about the electric and since I don’t think I will ever get a divine pet I’m not really fussed about getting the pet to 100/100/?



I have been playing on this account for 2 years and I’m at 88/84/69 and mostly f2p when it comes to pet food. (I have only spun ambrosia box around 5 times). I maxed my rares 100% f2p. Just give it some time, and be sure to get a lot of fame because it’s a hefty 350 fame per feed.

P.S. Steven Universe is weird and that waifu shit for your profile pic is wack. Done with rant.


Just fuse when it says “maxed” or “great” fusion. I think great is one of the prompts it can give u.


If you want your pet to be able to get to 90/90/90 you need both first abilities to be maxed. I wouldn’t bother with getting the 2nd ability maxed, and fuse as soon as you have 2 70/x pets. Also if you have a decent attention span, check this out.


make sure both of your rares are maxed at level 70, if you fuse them at a lower level you’ll end up with a dramatically worse legendary pet, as it won’t be able to max at level 90.



Guidescroll has a very nice guide that calculates the advantages and disadvantages to maxing to legendary. I found the most beneficial option was to max rares as soon as first ability is maxed at lvl 70. Like me, you have 1 70/70 rare, and if you max your other to 70/x and fuse, your end 90/90/x pet will still end up with a higher 3rd ability level than if you max them both to 70/70 before fusing.


[No need to follow that link, it’s just a copypasta of my Pet Levelling analysis. OB]


The nice guide is the one that @OtherBill posted on the forum. I’m not sure he agreed on having it there as well.


[I don’t think anyone ever asked me permission to post that there, but they credited me so I suppose it’s all good. OB]
[As long as you’re happy :D]


I restarted in January, so in roughly four months my pet is 83/76/61. I spend only like 100-150 a month on realm so it won’t take too long spinning the 199 gold ambrosia pack. :hibiscus:


Quickest way to get to 90/90: Get two 70/70 and fuse
Highest level third ability once you get to 90/90: Fuse immediately once you get your first ability to level 70


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