Where is the train?


I know this has already been asked a ton but I still haven’t seen a legitimate answer. I’m trying to grind to orange star but I don’t know what server holds the train now if there even is one.


It’s not that simple, young grasshopper. Your path begins here.


Here is the train discord directly: https://discord.gg/96wTfDK


Myname so against shatter help desk :frowning:


You’re making it too easy on them! If they want the rewards of all those imaginary internet points earned by running around godlands in a circle, then they should have to work for that knowledge! By the time the OP comes back from his journey, I want him to be so sage and wizened that we can refer to him as the Dalai Laamas!!


lol thanks guys I appreciate all of the help. I understand about the train in its entirety. Much love to the forums posters <3


Question answered, closing.
Links for train discord: train