Where To use Harlequin?


So i was grinding out some pups yesterday and i managed to stumble upon a harlequin armor and was wondering how and where i should use this armor. Thanks in advance <3


The main advantage that harle gives you is the extra mp, so use it whereever you need lots of it.
Mostly assassin.


Pretty much only Assassin should use Harlequin armor. The other leather armor classes want def too much to be able to sacrifice some def for more, and sin doesn’t do anything else other than hide and shoot poisons.


Wear it on an Assassin in conjunction with an Expo or something.


Make an assassin, it’s most useful on one of them.


assassin, trickster or huntress can benefit from it. I use it on my tricky personally, because I get an extra couple jumps with pet regen.

Depends on how you play and how much you value your shooting damage vs using your ability.


Wear it with expo/pyra/bracer for effective gameplay


That’s where you’re wrong. WRONG.


Assassin, and maybe Huntress because the traps are still expensive.


What: I only wear harle on assassin and huntress.

Where: Everywhere, because I’m not a fan of carrying armour swapouts, except CC


Assassin, as they rely on their ability more than any other leather armour class. Any time it’s too sketchy to get in close you can lob a poison or three to get your damage in and maybe thin out the gods/cubes/skulls enough that you can get a few shots in safely. The extra speed is nice too, for rushing a WC or to an event. Just don’t rush into a pair of Medusas, as I did once, or into similar danger.


Test chests. Oryx


Test chests have a very low sb threshhold (<1000hp), so there isnt really a point in useing your ability on them (unless the group is so small that killing the chest takes a longer amount of time)


I mean things like Shatters chests get steamrolled


imo harlequin is by far the best armor for a huntress and if you combine it with a tshot and bracer it becomes godlike.
source: have 5k bf huntress with harle as main armor.


And it is a ppe c:




i got the st bow xd rip your ppe lel


Is it good actually? I really wanna see it in action.


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