Which Class Deserves an Armor Breaking UT?


But it already has enough going for it :confused:


I think an ogmur deserves armor break the most, #GiveOgmurArmorBreak!


No. the biggest flaw in your argument is you consider only the ability. Sure a ninja has only one UT but it has four UT weapons, all different. The archer similarly has multiple weapons (shared with the Huntress); with both tiered and UTs making their weapon range about the most varied. Sorc has less variation, though with it’s tiered weapons having both range and piercing it’s hard to provide too much variety while staying true to the class. And one of their weapons has armour piercing.

Ogmur, like Oreo, QoT, is a rare and unique item and should stay that way.


The ability to armor break is balanced by the weapon type and risk of using it. It would be unwise to give armor break effects to classes that use weapons with high range and low damage per bullet, because of the ease of use and the massive reward in DPS (due to how the defense stat works). This rules bow, staff, and wand classes out. Armor break doesn’t really make sense for Paladin or Warrior abilities, nor for any of the dagger classes and their abilities. Thus, I see it most appropriate for Ninja, because of its shorter range and higher damage per shot.

I don’t think any of the current UTs should be changed, but if a new rare armor-breaking star was made, it should be balanced by a greatly reduced range/projectile speed, cooldown, lower projectile damage, and difficulty of content from where it drops.


Sorc? For a ut that common? Hell no


Huntress also only has one UT ability. Not that I think it should have one with armor break.

Thinking about it, sorcerer already has a way to deal damage that disregards the enemy’s defense through Crystal Wand, so it doesn’t need to armor break.

But I don’t think any other class should get armor break mainly because I’d prefer to see new items with different mechanics instead of the same ol’ status effect infliction.


Armor Break is balanced by the equip it is applied on. If you were to put armor breaking on any of the classes you mentioned it would be very easy to use.

Let’s think about range, the ogmur is a shield range, it is quite low and doesn’t stun, so it requires a little more skill to use over a tiered shield. Swap outs kinda destroy this effect.

Now let’s take Sorc, a scepter hits multiple targets and has a high range. You press spacebar around some enemies and you’re going to hit something. I would say this makes it easier to armor break things, and as such makes it more common.

Besides it’s not very creative anyway, I much prefer non status effect based UT’s as ideas anyway.


What about a new item (ability) for ninja that can armor break?


No. Each class is unique.

I honestly question why a knight (of all characters) need a powerful shield?

Funny. those three are great classes to play when played with the right weapons.

But ATTACK and DEXTERITY max at 70. High DPS.

No offense, but if anything, it looks like you’re the loser.

Besides, a sorc with a Crystal Wand is good enough. Like yours.

But DECA is working on a way to make characters (lesser played) get more loot.

For example, because of the new Thessel buff, @Tipsbot got a Coral Bow + Mana from OT with some OP ppl (and as a crappy warrior). A priest in our guild got Coral Silk and Mana.

Sorc is one of the best characters for Oryx because of long range.

Event bosses - DECA already worked on those.

Be patient, and see what DECA does.

Sorcerer is already a good class.

The question is, have you actually been playing him?


Kekked :sunglasses:


Honey scepter, but it doesn’t really count.

Also what about Warrior :wink: @DreadDrake

Or Pally

Or Huntress

Or Wizard


Or Rogue.


ST is basically UT :stuck_out_tongue:
if not you missed rogue


Who is thinking of st is basically a ut . The forgotten ring is st but not worth as ut I
And some more exceptions are there


I mean all not UTs are good (Forbidden jungle uts , spider cave uts and etc)


I get bugged so many times about warriors now that I just go numb


archer has qot & frozen quiver too :wink:


robe of the talowani duyduyduyduyduyduyduyduyduy

EDIT: you can’t get armor broken if you have no armor duyduyduyduyduyduyduyduyduy


It might be kind of interesting on a sorcerer and it would really help out its DPS.


Maybe you shouldn’t have mentioned it in the first place.


assassin also only has 1 ability