Which Class Would Win if PvP was in the Game?


Hey guys! Thought of this idea the other day, if PvP was in the game, what class do you think would be the best?

Vote Here:

  • Rogue
  • Archer
  • Wizard
  • Priest
  • Warrior
  • Knight
  • Paladin
  • Assassin
  • Necromancer
  • Huntress
  • Mystic
  • Trickster
  • Sorcerer
  • Ninja

0 voters

Personally, I think that the Wizard would be the best, as he has high range as well as damage, allowing him to stay far from the other classes while also dishing immense amounts of damage with his spell.

If all classes fought against each other, which one would win?
PvP in Realm of the Mad God
PvP gamemodes





It wud be night cuz I man night and he got loot end it stole frm u lel xd I luv ppes.


Are there restrictions?

I think a sorc with lab scepter might have a good chance. Or a priest, even, between speedy, healing, and purification. But the rogue would be hard to deal with. A mystic would be tough as well.


Either rogue (assuming invisible was really invisible) or wizard, with the spellbomb. Trickster and archer would both probably do well also.


No restrictions! Everything goes.


Depends on how exactly the starting situation and some other things.
Keep in mind that even a priest would instakill most chars within less than a second if they dont dodge.


Everyone who chose wizard is WRONG. This is because of a spell mechanic, the mechanic is not a glitch, it’s that a spell cannot kill the target unless it is at one hp. Spells also have a slight cd, enogh for a warrior to get to the wizard.


Damn straight, I’d suicide all my characters if I had to face “RotMG Main Theme - Ultimate Remix”.

Definitely sorc with fulmi, dealing those 200s and slowing would make mince-meat of all classes.

To elaborate: if the PvP functioned exactly how the game currently does just by treating other players as enemies (meaning no HP / damage scaling), with the minimap only rendering enemies within a certain distance, sorc could just camp until he saw a red dot and spam sceptre. I guess rogue could sneak and trickster could quickly tp but sorc is very strong still.


Yeah, the mystics could petrify you and drag stuff.


Yo, archer would destroy every class in the game in about 2 seconds flat. Dbow do 800-1000 damage, combine that with quiver and you’re fukt.


like do the character still do the same dmg? do they still have the same stats? so they can be killed in 1second? if so then rogue with plane gets to get dmg in first. Also depends on if you can see the bullets or not.

Also depends the field, the amount of players, on my… there are sooooo many things to consider when dealing with this discussion.


Rating each of the classes from my opinion…

-Wizard would have a large advantage because of its spell, staff, and high DPS. as long as the person can kill the opposing player before their enemy reaches them they will probably win.
-Priest would have a large advantage from its tome, so as long as they can heal while taking damage and not be instakilled (very easy for PvP) however wands would be hard to aim vesus another player.
-Archer would have the big advantage of the bows spread, an if he can get a quiver paralyze in, it would be all over for the other player.
-Rogue would have a massive advantage if the cloak actually made him invisible, however if not his only real advantages would be his speed and dexterity
-Warrior probably wouldn’t do well. Its buffs would be good for dodging and instantly killing the enemy, but it would most likely die before he reached them.
-Knight same thing, might live longer but wouldn’t kill the enemy quite as fast
-Necromancer wouldn’t be super useful, aside from it’s staff.
-Assassin same concept as rogue without cloak. Poison would betoo easy to dodge
-Huntress Basically an archer without a quiver. traps would be almost useless
-Ninja would be useful with the shuriken speedy boost, as well as the fact that one shuriken hit could win it all. However katana wouldn’t be as good as other weapons (except maybe swords)
-Paladin same concept as other melees, probably wouldn’t last that long unless they can get in close
-Sorcerer could be extremely overpowered as the scepter could easily dispatch any enemies.
-Mystic could be very useful if the player is good with his orb usage
-Trickster would be VERY useful in the right hands, as long as the player can use their prism well.


The 100-100-100 pet.


Warrior would win :wink:


Well no fuck


Sorc with fulmi would beat most chars, as they could simply stay at distance and hit slow to keep the other player at wand range, while doing damage that never misses as well as getting a few wand shots in.

Priest would be the other, with the t6 or Geb tome, using speedy to keep at wand’s range while healing from any damage they took. t6 tome probably as by far the most efficient for healing and speed boosting.


But if you spell bombed them to 1 hp you still have your staff, dealing immense amount of damage with 75 ATK and 75 DEX Excluding the buffs from robe and spell. With a weapon with 2 shots, long range,and 75 DEX, its pretty hard to dodge that.


Oh yea I forgot wizzy can shoot lelxd, yea they’d win


Well Necro could actually be good if it were to actually steal hp from the enemy and us it as its own while dealing out damage with its staff.