Which do you prefer ?Trade or merch POLL

  • 1.trade
  • 2.merch

0 voters


they are kind of the same, but one is normal and one is obsessive and harmful to the in game economy.

EDIT: also with recent updates changing game dynamics, it is currently less worth your time to merch.


Wait, what’s the difference?


I’d assume he means do you spend all your time trading or not?


What’s the question again? Do you prefer trading or merching? Would you abolish trading or merching? Which one is more effective?


What do you prefer
Trade (sell buy without profit)
Merch (profit)


Why do you make so many polls?!?!?

  • Poll
  • PolI

0 voters


I sorta wish I could just close all your threads and link you here

wonder if I can? :thinking:


A CaN WHAT? The suspense is killing me!


because information is power


It’s not information though, it’s opinion!


Where is the neither option


Since the in game economy is solely constructed from consumable resources (since items are destroyed when characters die) merching actually makes sure the prices of items don’t deviate too far from their ‘true value’.

If def were to be less in abundance then their current ratio to life, then the amount life each def is worth should rise and the amount of def each life is worth would decrease.
Merching helps by slowly adjusting to the new price.
How tho?
As life slowly starts to saturate the market due to the lack of def, opportunists arrive selling life for less def than the current market price. Normally these prices would quickly be gobbled up by merchers with loads of def to spare, but as time goes on and the input of def to def hasn’t changed slowly these merchers run out of spare def and are unable to buy life at those prices anymore. At this point some of these merchers may hold onto their life to “weather the storm” while others will quickly sell all their life for def for fear of the price dropping further.
Since we know def is becoming more valuable in this scenario, it’s the merchers that liquidate their life assets that win out.
While this quick liquidation of massive amounts of life saturates the market, it slowly dissolves and if the price actually drops further the cycle repeats.


Thats already done by people who just want to get a good price for their items.

Things like systematically selling an st for 5 life and buying it for 4 life dont benefit just to get that 100th life in your vault dont benefit anyone.


i merched from 3 rainbow pots (1 wis 2 spd) to 3 life in about 2 hours (on usw2) :wink:


In 2 hours I could farm dungeons for more than that. I could make new friends and learn about the game.


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