White Star Giveaway! [Closed]


IGN: BowMasterM
For sure my best experience was making a really good friendship with another realm player.
Aside that i think getting my first DBow on Christmas and my first QoT on my birthday is quite impressive too.
…Aaaand gratz on white star! Im also on my way to achieving it.


My best realm experience was this morning where I tried “trickster luck” and got 3 back to back whites, bulwark, mad robe and ray katana :slight_smile:


My best experience was getting my first void blade in my first toxic sewers. Since it was my first sewers I didn’t know I got a white. :grinning:
(I used the loot drop potions so the bag was red)


Piekelqqqq. i once got sun staff from the motmg encore chest event of 2017,september.


My best experience was when I got a bracer from my first shatters :slight_smile:


I hate you.


Trollalola. Kinda redundant, because we’re using something that lists our IGN on our post. Butt hay, I’m not complaining.

Getting Midnight Star, being like ooooh! what a cool looking bag, and then almost not picking it up because I’m like I don’t use ninja and this looks like one of those sketchy forbidden jungle items. My guildmate told me I was wrong however. Then I freaked out when I realized how rare it was.


IGN: FacundooS
Getting my first dbow that i farmed a lot and 2 mins after dying with it xDDD


I got a WHITE(CTrap)
With a Lvl 10 Rogue with Bone Dag and T1 Cloak and T6 Armor and a T1 Ring.


Ign: Fasthybrid

My best experience is when I joined my very first pro and friendly guild leading for my first event white which was a jugg :).


Best experience was getting my first 8/8 (knight btw ppe lelxd), but then I died to oryx 2 thinking I was invincible,



Best experience was getting my first 8/8 only for it to die the next day

IGN: Kalle


Why do i need to post my name

p sure my ign is Tsunami

could be wrong?


i died with a bracer and crown in 2 hours


Same here lol
I’m f2p white ;p


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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged


I tried deleting the fake and got a internal error.


Same xd