White Star Giveaway! [Closed]


my best experience was rolling in godlands and just seeing like 10-15 players get killed by a horde of medusas haha, like 3 8/8’s were there and a bunch of 6/8’s, it was a fame train, sad story bro, im a blue star at the moment, took me a while to realise how to reply and all that since I only use relameye for trading, wish everyone good luck!


My best moment is getting an oreo at the exact same time as my brother, from the same pent and from the same tower


Congratz on :b:hite :b:tar


i think the best realm experience i had was when i got a dbow for my first white while at my friends house.
The amount of screaming that followed can only be compared to girls fangirling over a pop star
names silvvester btw


Name: TomTheSnek (obviously)
Favorite experience: I had just gotten back from sleepaway camp and my friends were playing. First dungeon, a LoD. I was roasting my friend about all his deaths because he brought up the fact i had a bracer for 5 minutes and then died with it in the same shatts. oof. So we were talking in discord and he kicked me from the server because he had made it. But at that exact moment, i got a FDBA. It was a warm welcome back after a week and a bit and my friends didn’t believe me. I posted a pic and they got triggered. It was a good laugh for me.
also congrats on white star!




Best experience I had with realm was with my 7/8 pally where I got my first A.S.S, first fire dragon armor and a bunch of other stuff. - KalleGE


IGN Aidenzz

my best experience was when i rushed my first ever abbys on my new 6/8 pally and got to the boss room {and got only vit} ;c


Fre ietnz plz

Best realm experience: getting ichimonji’s from o2 mmmmm… sees a cyan gets ichi :blush:


Well glawi aint gonna be entering.

He gave me like 20 notifications… through likes alone


My best and funniest rotmg experience on my account, Alexkokota was when I got my first Soulless Robe when I was light blue star. I got a cyan bag from a lich and I though the robe was bad because it had a lower defense compared to melee armors. I also didn’t know what ST meant. So I put it in my vault and told my friend about it and told him I was going to trade it for a abyssal armor. He freaked out and told me about rotmg trading and I realized what mistake I made. So I kept the robe ever since as a reminder of me when I was a noob.


Hey, my IGN is Winkoftime. My favorite realm experience was when I did the epic chest after having to do 8 oryxes. I got 2L and a couple tops. Thanks for the givaway and gratz on white star!


My favorite realm experience was probably when I did my first ppe. It was an archer ppe, and that’s when I find out that archer was more amazing than I thought. After that, archer became my favorite class. I had many close calls and lots of whites, and a couple of exa hps. I didn’t get a dbow though :frowning: However, I had lots of fun and loved the archer.


Resu on level 8 ppe?!


My best experience…


Hops onto NPE account
Enters shatters as lv 17 wizard with < t8 equips
Makes it to first boss
Recieves bracer
Proceeds to throw mouse across room because it was on NPE

Decides to cool down and play on my NPE account

#Kills self

IGN: Stuartcat




ign mucalpha
best experience was getting a few people to first boss in a guild shatts and deciding to break the dbow luck trend and used tshot to get a bracer:smiley:


Well I won’t delete…but I’ll take the 3 free likes :>




now i have decided!

it was when i exposed the illuminati!