Who to put my robes on


So I’ve got a star mother, soulless, and a water dragon, and I have a necro and wizzy. Which robe should I put on each character?


I’d put Soulless or WDSR on Wizard and Star Mother on Necro.


Suicide the wizzy for a mystic, then put the Star Mother on it

Perfect plan



Mystic is superior to wizard in every way


Don’t forget the people who have no skill and have to use wizard because they suck at mystic


Soulless on wizzy
Star mother on necro


Depends on what you want to build.

I would put the WDSR on Wizard for more dps

I would put the Star Mother for more wis.


Use the WD on the wiz, star mother on necro.
If you prefer more hp, use soulless on the wiz


Put the star mother on necro, necro uses the extra wis from the robe with its wismod.
On wizard, soulless gives more def, WSDR gives more attack, nice speed boost and decent def. Depends on your playstyle which one you want to use: if you find yourself low on hp and have to back out often on wizard, use soulless and if thats rare for you and you have sustainable hp, use WSDR.


If you want to flex, then use water dragon on wiz
but soulless is the best possible robe on wiz

star mother on necro for the wis boost and stuff


As said before, it mostly depends on your playstyle.

Contrary to what most said, I think using the Water Silk on Necro can also be viable with a defense-oriented ring.
Star Mother can be used with a more offense-oriented one, on the other hand.

The same can be said about Soulless for Wizard, since there aren’t really any attack-wisdom rings that Necro could benefit from, afaik.
Water Silk is the more offensive option, functioning well similarly on both classes. More or less.


soulless goes on wizard always.

shendyt would be best for necro but star mother is good too.

Water dragon can be a swapout for either


Soulless = wizard
StarMo = necro
Water = save for your next sorcerer :sunglasses:


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