Who's your favorite moderator?


Hello guys. A simple question to ask you. Who’s your favorite one out of the @moderators? Oh yea i’m not including all of them, cause like some of them i literally have never seen them post… so sorry if you’re one of those people :frowning:

  • Doc
  • BMJ
  • Frogboffin
  • OtherBill
  • Stupidity
  • HGKing
  • MattyFatty
  • Pfiffel
  • Other~

0 voters

So um if you’re on of those people that didn’t have their name on there, and you just happen to see this poll; plz dont start crying on me :frowning: or banning me xD

also i’m not sure if this should go to community hub or off-topic, you guys decide :smiley:

@Shaxasno this is an opportunity for you to learn who the mods are! :^)

Your favourite [moderator]
Who is your favorite moderator and why?

I don’t know, all then ones that are here do there job so well.


Should’ve been multiple choice.


picks BMJ

banned by Doc

picks Doc

Banned by BMJ



I’ve never seen Pfiffel post anything…

Edit: Nevermind, apparently he did post a few times.


I’d like to take a moment to thank all of them for keeping the forums up and doing the dirty work :stuck_out_tongue:


system is the best.


But BMJ is the sexiest though.

How did BMJ achieve his position as an alpha tier sex god?


It’s a god given ability


Skims through the list of Mods and finds Stupidity, checks him and then scrolls down rest of threaad never to see the list again.


i did one of these in another thread, but i personally think this should’ve been anonymous.


I can’t pick between Doc, stupidity and other bill.

It’s a damn shame seeing stu with one vote though :frowning:


lol i was surprised with that!

and its only shax. Although i dont see him moderate as much compared to someone as doc

personally chose other to not actually want to pick


I’m not sure why this is in forum feedback? I’m not really giving any ideas about the forum or realmeye, just asking some opinions on the mods :slight_smile:


There’s no contest: we all know who is the sexiest.


I wasnt necessarily asking for the sexiest, if i was, the results should have been 100% @BMJ


I like @Stupidity’s name.

It reminds of certain difficulties in my life.


Who’s Frogboffin?


One of the dear mods.


I like all of the mods but everyone should get some love…Make this multiple choice please :frowning: