Whose the best player in the game? Fame doesnt matter


We’ve heard of Kalle and they even show Btl’s death in lost halls trailer to show it was hard.
But whose the latest greatest


As far as people publicly see my vote would go to @Mrunibro


The pet era makes it difficult to compare players on a level field, there could be a low level pet user out there who has to dodge triple time to make up for having a weaker pet compared to others. And ally projectiles off means I really don’t pay others around me anything like as much attention as I used to.


BTL vs t bee series


Kalle was obviously very good for his time. Like Nevov said, it becomes difficult to compare players since there have been two distinct eras, with pets and without, and even now there are much harder events and dungeons than there used to be, and some older players have since quit.


I second this.

In no particular order, here’s a list of skilled players I consider to be top players, who record: Mrunibro, BTL, Alphamatic, Heromax, Japan (doesn’t have many clips tho).

Reason why I think uni is most skilled? Knowledge of enemy shot patterns, the most precise movements I’ve seen (able to control a speedy warrior as accurately as most people can with a 50 spd character), insane confuse control (including timing switching back and forth), good aim and positioning, not relying on OP consumables or OP pets etc.

Edit: Two related topics, a few other names mentioned there include Kalle, Statakaka.


I’d have to go with Mrunibro because he managed to solo marble colossus petless without white drake eggs


GOWCoder and NagatoB


Actually follow up post about something that I’ve been thinking about.

Most of the time we’re gauging skill level based on how well so-and-so can solo this dungeon / solo that dungeon. However rotmg is a “coop game” and so I’m wondering if those same players are as “good” in the context of a group situation.

I’ll give some examples: are BTL / unibro (not uni cuz his pet SUCK) good knights, and can keep the group safe from say big bois in void? Lots of LH discords boast their best rushers (though a LOT are also hackers), can we measure how good they are based on that? I know it’s kinda hard to rush consistently in LH, just look at BTL’s and Nazoado’s fastest cult time rushes to see even they get in sketch situations a lot. Or those who benefit the group the most by tanking certain things, stunning towers, dragging pop rocks away from group, decoying crusades / stasising enemies during cru skip WR runs, cognizance of teammate’s hp and heals when necessary etc.


Definitely my man, Talwar.


NOT me
that’s for sure


Mrunibro I’d probably say is best.

I’d like to give a honourable mention to Botkiller because of these LH1.x runs:

He quit roughly a month after he did the cult solo.
He also played a very significant role in some prominent discord servers while he played. (Mainly to do with writing/inventing the bots and being a fair reliable person.)


crabbeam and loopline


Although skill maters significantly in terms of being a skilled player, I think patience is a very important aspect of the game. My top 5 picking would probably be:

  1. Japan (for being really patient at the game and having amazing skill)
  2. @Mrunibro
  3. LoopLine
  4. @Botkiller
  5. @BTL


the issue I have with people ranking @BTL is that he is very overhyped. people say he’s amazing, but after running a dungeon 1000 times on the testing server, it’s not as difficult to run it… not everyone has that advantage and I think players without this kind of advantage, the underrated players are often far better but not heard of.


[But @BMJ is still the sexiest. OB]


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