Why do i suck so much at this game now please


For me it tends to be the second I die I press R. Or at about 47 hp.


i think it was cause i didnt actively play for a long time. i got a decent wizard going on now and havent even been close to death yet.


Yeah It probably was just you had to get used to playing.


If you look at one of the accounts that get 8/8s all the time, well… they have awesome pets and have played for years


Jesus fucking Christ, stop necroing


I stopped





You just necroed a necroed post




Farming sprite worlds is very boring and tedious. I just do dungeons and hope I get the pot I want.
Thats just what I do, you dont have to follow me.


Dat neckro bump tho.


Anyway, Pro Tip: Spend 10$ to buy a char slot and play necro and knight. Use necro to max knight. When knight maxed, use that to max necro. Easy game easy life.

Paden is easier to max and more fun imo but knight is considered a more noob friendly class


Or just max the necro instead of playing a boring class.


git gud nub lel xd


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