Why do the bots take items?


You see i have a complaint and i need help, I don’t know who to contact so im doing it on here please help.
one of the bots by Yimi or orothi took my Colo for some reason and i was not known that they did that.

Bots Stole My Pots!

That sucks, but there is nothing we can do about it unfortunately.


Sure there is! DO NOT drop stuff in the nexus, EVER.


Moved from “Forum Games” to “Game Discussion”.

Because it’s free profit for the botmaker. Unfortunately, there’s nothing any of us here can do to help you. This forum is not affiliated with Deca in anyway and is ran by RealmEye and a group of dedicated fans.


Well yes, that is how you don’t lose items from this point, but there is no way to get the Colo back.


He’ll have to save up & buy another one. Yes, the Shield of Colossus is one of the more expensive items, but it’s tradable, at least.


orr just buy a mith b/c it does the exact same as the mith except more damage


just wondering, how do the bots move so fast? you can see how fast if you drop a dex or something no as valuable.


I assume they exploit some kind of bug that allows teleportation in nexus. The reason for that assumption is that you can see the bots fly across the screen in the same way as teleporting does in realm.

Or it’s just some lag-switch shenanigans.


Or maybe buy a gshield because it’s a mith b/c it is the exact same as the mith except more damage and less shots. Heck, nah, just stick with t0 shield because it’s just a little less than t1 shield which is a little less than t2 shield, etc.


They teleport


The difference between t6 and t5 is practically nothing tho, just 150 damage, while the difference between t5 and t4 is1 less shot and 480 less damage


That’s enough to secure SB threshold.


Knights can just burp on enemies to get SB tho, so a shield tier is rarely the deciding factor.


It’s not teleportation, at least not as we the players know it. It’s a modification to the more traditional speed hack, I think.


Not only is there a speed hack, but it has been around long enough to be called “traditional”? I really need to keep up to date with my hax.


Yeah, back before bots in the nexus were a thing, you could occasionally see people show off a speedhack in Nexus for funsies. For a human, it’s pointless, because it’s speed that you can’t control and it’s easy to get DC’d for clipping while using it, but on a bot that can use it and know the coordinates of a loot bag, it actually serves a purpose.


Um, that is one main difference between most of the shields.

Off Topic: What happened to the profile pic?


Bots are like Realmers, they want to make a living.


Its not a speed hack, they teleport through walls

Its not no clipping either- if you watch carefully their sprite disappears if they go through a wall