Why Does Everyone Want to be Regular?


#Why Does Everyone Want to be Regular?

I’ve noticed many people in this forum, who wants to become Regular.

What is the Regular Status? The Regular Status is the trust level that bestows more power to you. You must go through tedious requirements, not be flagged, and have a good reputation.

But why does everyone want the power?

Is it so people can feel as if they can affect the community? Is it so people can try to make a difference? Is it so people can feel proud of their community?

Whenever someone has powers, they must have responsibilities. More power always equal more responsibilities. Ask the moderators themselves. They know how it feels. Every flag someone makes, the moderators have to deal with.

Every @moderator tag we throw out, they come to see. Every time we make a worthless post, the moderators and the regulars clean up. I can’t speak for the moderators themselves, but they have a huge responsibility of maintaining the forum. Regulars are supposed to be helping the moderators.
###This is called RESPONSIBILITY.
But let me be serious here. When you become regular, essentially you have more responsibilities. Most players who become regular, soon realize that they cannot act like how they acted beforehand. Regulars set the example for newer players. So if new regulars decide to WC every post he/she finds not suitable for him/herself (everyone, go ahead and point at me), newer players may see this sign of aggression somewhat like a dictatorship.

Also, when you are a regular, you essentially have to realize, that (as I said above), you must be careful of what you write. When you get flagged, your powers of being a Regular instantly hangs on the line. Five flags = No regular. Those flags last a long time – 100 days, before they are removed.

Why does everyone want Regular? Is it for the tag that comes next to your name, which makes you feel “special?” Maybe (as I said above), it has something to do with power. Maybe, people want to have a place in the community.

When someone’s Regular badge becomes a Member badge, that person realizes that there is more freedom associated with being a member. No longer must you act mature. You can make the regular and the moderator’s life hell.

Member is already a good position to be. You don’t need to go and earn Regular.

###For players who want to feel like they want to be part of the community, here is what you can do to make the moderators and the senior regulars proud of you.

Note that this message that @Doc sent to me, shows how the moderators can have a hectic time in providing a civil community for all.

  • Treat all with respect. Don’t discriminate based on stars, how someone speaks, etc.

  • Don’t make targeted posts (Yeah, @Xaklor, sorry about that).

  • Don’t make “exposed” posts. (@Otherbill got very irritated) It only causes tons of trouble for both the victim and the moderators.

  • Read this before you post: Forum Rules & Guidelines

On behalf of the Regulars (Especially the senior regulars, @Shatter, @Xaklor, @Scorchmist, @UnicornSla, @Nevov, and any regulars I may have missed who spent a long time on the forum.) and the @moderators who spend precious time making the forum what it is, thank you.
Thanks for reading. :slight_smile:

Quite a lot of people got triggered today(or yesterday)

As an ex-Regular who is currently working his way back after a short hiatus (oxymoron there, ha), thank you for posting this.

Regular isn’t godhood or a moderator role. It’s not even a junior moderator role. Regulars are meant to be normal forum-goers that set examples for newer members. They tell newer members what’s allowed and what’s not. Their purpose was never to enforce the rules of the forums.


Not even going to bother going back up to regular.

I had a few… issues that came up in my life… xD

Plus I have too many flags. Since I was booted from regular, I got 10+ flags.


People like going up in ranks. How hard is that to understand.


But is there a purpose?

Honestly, if you must get power, why are you here?


A common misconception of the level of “power” regulars allegedly have, example from the Regular Bridge thread:

Regular powers are basically meaningless. if you want to get the badge so you can have the badge that’s fine, just don’t expect to suddenly become incredibly important.


Well, it’s mostly will.

Being a regular means that you can be trusted enough. You would feel good if you were trustworthy and people can rely on you. Being a regular means you have responsibility. You would feel proud that you always remember what to do instead of forgetting. Being a regular means that you are nice on the forums and you contribute to make our forum what it is today, and soon make it better, so that more people can join, and not banned. The community relies on regulars and moderators to improve our forums; to make this a better place for everyone, and to have fun. Thank you.


You nailed it with that one. Newer people on here want to look “cool” like the current Regulars (not to say that those guys aren’t cool, because they are), and they think getting that tag next to their name will make what they have to say a thousand times more important or something.

In reality, I think the more there are, the more it just belittles the ranking. I’ve never been flagged (to my knowledge), I try to make well-thought out posts, and I try to encourage people to do the same. And that’s all a good member should do Regular or not.


Regulars are basically the forum janitors. The ones that clean up after other’s messes, and set an example by not giving the other janitors more work to do.


no they are not. that’s a moderator’s job

regulars are the ones who just happen to make fewer messes. (sometimes)


With the exception of me, who was a disgrace at his job.


by Janitor im not meaning it like the way your thinking, I was meaning taking out the trash kinda thing, not telling mods what post need to be removed. (by taking out the trash I mean WCing toxic threads)


I want regular b/c of access to the you-know-what.

Six actually,

There was never a “victim” or so of these threads, they have all been obvious jokes.The only problem was that certain people, which I am not going to name here, werent able to identify an obvious joke as one. But I must admit that they were never very funny and pretty unneccesary (except for a few ones on the photo album.)

More like those kids who are supposed to clean the school yard in their break.


I still disagree, you still place a greater weight on the powers granted by the title than is needed.
half the time regs attempt to take administrative action it just makes things worse. the flag is still your greatest tool, and everyone has that to begin with.


I don’t usually even use the flag, most of the time I find something toxic, its already been flagged, so I see no point in flagging it again. That’s just my opinion though


Multiple flags on the same post count multiple times.


i like to be edgy and different


I liek rag-yew-lure beekause me hearded Trofimowen sez dat dis halp eencreese phallis sieze, me ownlee haave 3 eench :cry:.

But I mean, yeah. I’m not a ‘hard-core forums expert’ but I know that the mods weren’t lying when they said that this forums is relatively clean in terms of badges, titles and the plethora of other eye-candy you can obtain on other forums.

Who doesn’t want to be distinguished in a good way? (@Toastrz and @OrothiXZ used to be so cool on Kabam forums with Elite Member of whatever the title was ;-; I wasn’t).


Ohhh ahhh… well ive written this like ∞ times, but illl write it here to find it easier.

Like you said there is more responsibility. So then why do you want regular?

  • power? not really, lots of other people have that power, and we have certain restrictions of power, like i havent used my reg powers that much when i came back a week ago ( i used it like twice maybe).
  • recognition, not really, i got demoted to member a while ago, but majority of people still thought of me as reg, uni once said that i needed to get reg back to become the leader of the regs, since shatter was less active (words of uni). Also there is an overwhelming amount of regs, you’ll just be one in many.
  • bragging rights? nope, 10000 other people are also regs, also no one likes a bragger

not really, i remember when oryxyeti became a reg, the other regs didnt really think of him as someone different, the only thing stopping a reg is activity and flags, lots of the times you can avoid getting flags, but can still act immaturely or ways that other people wouldnt like you for. [quote=“MeteorMons, post:7, topic:8616”]
Being a regular means that you are nice on the forums

see above.


I like being a regular as in “I regularly visit the forums”. The title I don’t really care much about.