Why is wizard in the game?


i mean every class has its sort of job to either stun, paralyze or some sort of effect but whats the use of wizard to kill the boss fast or its to help people who just started rotmg?


Wizard has incredibly good dps, especially for it’s range. It’s a good class in general but is especially helpful to newer players, they can do damage at a safe range


but how does it really help other classes in a group fight?


What about the sorcerer? At its core, the sorcerer is just a different wizard.


How does warrior help in a group fight? He increases the DPS. So does wizard.


By doing more damage than the other classes so the boss dies faster and your allies have less time to worry about trying to stay alive.


Just because a class has a selfish role doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be in the game.
Wizard’s outstanding DPS makes it good for dealing with bosses that get more powerful during longer fights.

Additionally, thanks to the staff excelling at taking out lower-defense enemies, clearing streams of enemies is also quite easy - though Bow classes are better for taking care of larger crowds.


warrior increases dps for the WHOLE GROUP while wizard is a selfish bastard


for an actual answer:
Honestly, I think wizard is a lot like Rogue in the sense that he’s more of a solo type of class than anything. In groups, you’d much rather have a buffing class like Warrior or Pally, or a healing class like Priest or Necro.

Wizard probably excels in places likes this:

  • In a solo scenario within a dungeon, where you’ll be able to use your staff and spellbomb to be able to clear a dungeon rather quickly.
  • In a small group, where you can have a friend play a class who can rush, and then you can later shred the boss later.
  • In a big, uncoordinated group, where selfish DPS and being far away would probably be best, like an event dungeon.

While yes, Wizard does have some pretty good DPS, it’s PROBABLY not going to be enough to shave any substantial about of time from killing a boss.


This. Wizard is the first class to be unlocked for a reason. It illustrates some of the basic game mechanics, such as “aim at enemies”, “shoot at enemies until they’re dead”, etc. In addition, its fragility (low def, low spd, low HP) helps to drive home such basic points as “dodge enemy bullets”, “don’t let enemies get too close”, and so on. Even further, its ability is very simple to use (just hit space) and reinforces proper aiming mechanics (yay, spellbomb!). You don’t have to worry about status effects, you don’t have to worry about helping other players. Just pew-pew.

Then when you unlock other classes, you have a basic point of reference to compare the other classes against. You gotta get real close to use swords, for example. Or, wands suck, but priests can heal themselves so that’s okay. Or, Archers are kinda like wizards, but bows are really weird and you have to lead your quiver shots. Or, hit space when you’re a rogue and monsters will stop shooting … unless other players are around … but some monsters will keep shooting anyway. (And don’t even get me started about the learning curve for Tricksters.)

So that’s why Wizard is in the game. It’s a no-frills DPS machine catered to new players.

[In my opinion, of course. OB]


The original game designers thought that you should start out with a brain-dead easy class to get the hang of things.


in the first few iterations of the game you could choose between 5(?) classes as soon as you loaded the game, the class unlock system was added later


Just realized wizard is the only class in the game that doesn’t have an ability that inflicts status effects. Weird to think about.

I’ve got nothing more to add other than the cliche “a good offense is the best defense”.

Also I guess we can take public halls for an example and ask the question: a what point (i.e. number of characters) does adding an extra character of that class stop being effective? For example, if you have 10 warriors, the group is almost guaranteed to be permanently berserk. Adding one more no longer is valuable (in the buffing sense) except for individual dps.

And since it’s pub halls, having more wizards would be more beneficial for the group (read: golem rooms hate melees!) than wizards in that scenario.


This is because, like OtherBill said,

Yes. It’s low health shows that in order to stay alive, you are going to want to dodge those enemies and weave in and out when you are surrounded.

Also, Wizard does have a job: To kill the enemy/boss faster so that the wizard (and also it’s party members) don’t have to worry about dying.


to get ep
to sit on shit with ep
to die stupid deaths because of it

(Still waiting for my time to attempt to EP MBC)


They don’t tho


Yeah it’s so easy that new players can easily hop on and play the Wizard. New players are new, they don’t know the movements and how important the abilities are. I see light blue star Knights and Paladins all the time, and yet I don’t see them use their ability once.




kill stuff faster so it doesn’t shoot bullets that can kill you


It’s a long-ranged DPS class that teaches new players and gives them the basics. Fragile and easy to die on to teach newbies about death, being careful, dodging, and persevering. The Spell is a simple ability that takes pretty much no skill to understand, but a lot of practice to get done right.

New players are often not ready to do those things. Imagine you’re teaching a friend how to play Realm. You can hardly say, “Okay, so Paralyze basically immobilizes enemies. So you don’t wanna paralyze the wrong enemies, like the ones you want to drag in a specific location…” Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. You gotta teach them how to aim, how to conserve MP during some situations, and how to do half a dozen other more important stuff.