Why weekend/chest events are a scam


Praise, I dont understand why the chest gives you 0 when you solo it. And for real tho dyes are hard to come by nowadays.


White bags never were a marker for player progression, they just showed that you grinded a specific dungeon or monster for way too long.

as for the rest, it’s spot on, which is mainly the reason why I barely bother with realm. And on top of what you said, the events (and realm itself) expect you to be able to grind 4+ hours a day if you wanna have a good chance at getting anything good, which I no longer have the patience nor tolerance for.

personally, the chest events and the collect-athon styled grindfests have overstayed their welcome, and should be replaced with something much more engaging and market friendly, but DECA is obviously never gonna do that in the forseeable future, since that would cut off a large part of their revenue.

also, lowering chest droprates was absolutely low IQ, and defeats the purpose of event chests in the first place.


I can relate. As of recently, i haven’t played realm for a bit and its due to because i’ve reflected on how much time i spent just sitting in nexus and plowing through dungeons (getting nothing most of the time) because that’s what the game has become at this point.


I realize campaigns won’t fix the game entirely, perhaps not even close, it is one step though, but then i wonder what will fix this game. I get the feeling realm will soon come to its breaking point where us older players will just leave (some i imagine already have) and newer players will get bored quickly. Just like everything you said, its economy is in chaos and the game as devolved into people waiting in nexus and leeching. Why do we even play realm? But thank you for your feedback!


Unless you’re forced to pay money for the campaign to unlock or its simply impossible to attain loot from campaigns without putting exorbitant amounts of time in


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