Will you press the button?


I stick Earth now… even when I wasn’t on the forums…


Don’t press the button

You find a red button. Do you press it to destroy all racist people? Or do you use it to destroy weird people that always get in your face? Or do you destroy both? Or do you not press the button because you have lover for everyone? :3 <3


I let someone else press it, 'cuz I don’t wanna be blamed for all of the deaths =U

  • Press the button: Oryx the Mad God becomes real, but you’ll have to be his minion/slave.
  • Don’t press the button: Nothing changes and you’ll have to be Trump’s slave.

0 voters

@IBurnYou Thanks xD


Press it

  • Press the button: Get $1M but die young
  • Don’t press the button

0 voters


Hmm, I change my mind, 1mil is too little…

  • Push the button: You get all skins for all characters in ROTMG and even get the new ones once they’re released, but you will lose all tops and UTs, and even though you might be able to get UTs back it will be more difficult (like 2-5 times more difficult) and you will only be able to equip up until old tops for tiered equipment (and rings) (even if T13/14s are released and so on)
  • Don’t push the button: Nothing happens.

0 voters

Trying to make it as balanced as possible =U


Idc about skins other than the ones I have so no

  • Press the button: get 14 8/8 characters with tops but get your vault wiped
  • Don’t press the button

0 voters


I value my UTs more than my chars tbh xD

  • Push the Blue Button: You may merge realm with any one game that you like, but realm will forever be different.
  • Push the Red Button: You reset realm to the time before duping was too widespread and duping is now only a fictional tale told among players, but all new content and ideas never came to fruition
  • Ignore the Buttons: Nothing changes.

0 voters


You’re welcome, but you’re doing this wrong.

And it’s not a choice between two events or no event either.


Sorry I’m just bad at this =U

(ignore this post)



  • Press the button: get $10,000 but only be able to spend it on subway cards
  • Don’t press the button

0 voters


I don’t see any downsides, so I’ll take it.
Remember to give it a catch that actually affects you negatively.

  • You know the entire repository of all music ever made off the top of your head, but your voice sounds like a combination of a seagull and a goat. (You are still capable of coherent speech, your voice just sounds awful and you really really shouldn’t try singing.)
  • Don’t press the button.

0 voters

[Details=Note] Note that knowing all the music can lead to incredible discoveries towards ancient cultures and earn you a lot of money and fame (lost pieces by famous composers etc). Then again, of all the music ever made, how much of it sounds good?
You know every song and can hum along with any tune, but that also means that sounds around you can cause you to think of an awful song.

The definition of music can be considered very vague, but that just means you’ll know a lot, as anything that could be remotely called music, you’ll know. After all, the gap between rap and poem isn’t that large.[/details]

[Details=Another note]
Don’t forget, your voice gets changed too!
Let me assure you, your voice would sound really unattractive and annoying.[/details]


I’ll pass on that one.

If you press the button become the opposite sex for a week. This can be any week of your choice, but it has to be just 1 week straight.


Sure, why not.

If you press the button you are given 5 Dblades but cannot ever do an Abbys again.


I already sound like a mouse being tourtured.

  • Pokemon exist in the world (you get to choose a starter). But… I wonder what happens if some pokemon come near your house :wink:
  • Don’t press the button

0 voters


Nty, I don’t do abysses for dblades anyways, I do them for vit.

@CandyShi No thanks, pokemon have the capacity to be very deadly.
Also, modern physics would become useless.

  • Weed is legalized, and alcohol prohibited.
  • Don’t press the button.

0 voters



  • Be always unvulnerable in realm.
  • Nope

0 voters



  • Never make sense when you talk but become rich
  • Don’t press the button

0 voters


how am i supposed to get rich if i cant make cents?

  • you do not need to construct additional pylons but require endless amounts of vespine gas
  • Dont press it
  • no u

0 voters


no u

  • Press the button: You get infinent character slots but lose all your UTs
  • Don’t press the button

0 voters


A doom bow replaces all your demon blades (and in the future too)

  • Press
  • Don’t press

0 voters