Wine for ROTMG


Anyone have any experience using Wine to run realm. I have downloaded it and tried running the .exe file of realm but all that comes up is a black screen, cursor, and the sound.


what .exe file?
Only thing I know about is a .swf
I dont know what exactly you are trying to do but there is a guide for playing on ubuntu on the wiki


Can I get a link, please?

#4 (scroll down)


The onlt .exe files for rotmg are for hacked clients…


Not the client exe the flash player exe. Edit: Let me elaborate. I open my flash player .exe file with wine. Then I open the .swf file for rotmg. It opens with a black screen and song.


Well, I like Pinot Noir, but I prefer reds. I can’t exactly help you if you drink whites.


sips my uncultured beer


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