"..." [wordless conversations]


:wave: :slight_smile:

:point_up:: :zipper_mouth:

:heavy_check_mark: :grinning: :heart: :cat:

:heavy_multiplication_x: these are words

:upside_down: :point_down:

in case it’s not clear, this thread is for just talking about whatever, similar to the General Chat Thread, but with the catch that you aren’t allowed to use words. you may only talk in emojis, text art, pictures, or whatever, but no words. (also the pictures can’t have captions, that’s just too easy) just go nuts! sometimes these conversations can be fun to read and/or participate in, even if they’re restrictive, but they’re probably not well-received on the rest of the forum.
some examples:

:grinning: :cake:

:confused: :question:

:cake: >

:disappointed: :no_entry_sign: :cake:

:confused: :gun:

have fun!















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:heart_eyes: :ok_hand: :point_left: :tongue:









:fearful: :point_up_2:


;p :stuck_out_tongue:









:point_up: = :skull_crossbones: = :spy: