Would ROTMG benefit from an LFG tool?


In my free time I like to develop websites/apps and since Im playing ROTMG more I want to make something for it, I recently made this set building tool: https://rotmgsetbuilder.herokuapp.com/

Now I’m wondering if ROTMG could benefit from a LFG (looking for group) tool, something that would allow realm players to create/search real-time listings for finding people to play with whether it be key popping, realm clearing, leveling, organized groups, or even finding guilds. Would this be useful or does Discord make this irrelevant? If so, what features would you like to see?


At this point in time, discords/guilds make an ingame key popping and organised groups system largely irrelevant, and to allocate resources there would be a waste of time and money on DECA’s part. I’m not sure why you’d need to find someone to realm clear with…? Finding guilds on the other hand would be insanely helpful, I’m envisioning a COC like system :smiley:


If I had the option to play in a small party of competent people or in a toxic, biased discord that expects all of us to play as if we’re bots…
There isn’t even a choice involved, this is such an easy decision

I probably wouldn’t use it for key popping, but rather just some people who want to run the realm, maybe PPE and NPE groups


If only guilds could be more stable… the challenge of working together without a livestream is fun imo


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