Would you play/be interested in a oldschool Rotmg?


Consider the idea of re-releasing a version of RotMG that existed somewhere between launch and Kabam removing amulets, complete with old UI and all. The game has changed so much since the WildShadow (WS) days that a Retro/oldschool/classic version of Realm would make sense from a pure gameplay perspective.

The idea of a classic version of RotMG is very much a hypothetical for various reasons (The more experienced playerbase would bulldoze most older content, DECA wouldn’t be able to monetize old RotMG as well as prod, and DECA would just half-ass it anyways). However, I do like the idea of rediscovering the game as it was in 2012/2013.

  • Yes, did not play during WS times
  • Yes, did play during WS times
  • No, did not play during WS times
  • No, did play during WS times

0 voters

(I split up the awnsers between veterans of the WS days and not, because I thought it would be interesting to see what the difference is between them)


I’d prefer rotmg with ray tracing, 3d models and colored shadows


Yes and no. In as much as it’s changed the old game is still available if you want it. Just giving up your pet, so doing an NPE, gets you most of the way there. The Realm is very little changed, and the dungeons from that time are all still available, so if you limit yourself to them – which makes sense as you’re not going to do many O3/Shatts runs as a petless NPE – you are playing just as you would have been in WildShadow days.

(OK there are differences, to the look and feel of many dungeons and of godlands too. But they are redesigns, and don’t change how the dungeons and gods fit into the game. You can basically ignore the changes, pretend they’re the same as when Wildshadow added them)


Remember when the loot dropped in 1 bag and everyone had acces to it? Or looting gravestones? Oh yeah… WS era was better, people played together as a team back then.


I like that you also considered people that never played that far back but would be interested anyways, it shows that there is at least one person that doesn’t think the playerbase is just veterans. As a person that hasn’t played during WS or even Kabam, while I have heard of the old experiences, I would like to imagine what it was like playing in such an early stage.


The thing with an NPE is that everyone around you is still overpowered. The average player currently has way better gear and more experience than players did in 2013, so what happens with NPEs is that you just get carried by the group in most situations. You also got constant events and bonus loot, making you progress way faster, even if you ignore all the new scources for def, att, life and mana pots added to the game.

Also, you can’t ignore the entirely new artstyle of everything and the fact that all playerbase is anime skins with eye-burning dye combinations. RotMG just feels different when it is on flash and everyone is wearing the same drab base skins.


They tried to address that with Rifts. A separate server with restrictions much like PPE/NPE. You still had pets but you had to start them from scratch on that server, so in some ways it was like a Kabam era game, about when pets were introduced. As everyone started the same time there were no massively OP players, or at least not at first.

They ran Rifts a few times then abandoned it. They didn’t share details of it, but the impression they gave was that there wasn’t the interest to justify the effort running it.

The way they ran it though was telling - each time with different rules on e.g. max pet levels, with other changes to gameplay which they could vary between Rift sessions. My interpretation of this is that a lot of people ask for “old school RotMG” but there are many different versions of it. So many versions that it’s impossible to come up with a version that satisfies everyone.


Interest in old school rotmg?
Just look at Darza’s Dominion. Its basically old school rotmg & has some of the same problems as old school rotmg.

Darza’s playercount bombed after 1 month & nobody plays anymore. New players complained about lack of QoL & updates. RotMG players that played old rotmg decided that playing current RotMG was more ideal.

I dont think anyone actually wants old rotmg. They just had fond memories of playing rotmg as a kid & wanted to recapture those feelings again.


That’s nostalgia for you. Everyone wants to “go back to the old days,” when really the old days were objectively worse. Even if the game isn’t great right now, it’s at least more fun than what it was from the beginning. Old Shatters had less and worse loot along with extremely cheesable boss fights, while the new one is (mostly) well designed, with great spriting and animation, better balancing, and of course hard mode.


I remember the candelabras in Manor give insane exp/fame.


It’s not so much that I wish I could replay the old RotMG, it’s that I wish I could watch the game grow into what it has become (For better or worse, probably worse honestly). Having first played back when grave looting and public bags were a thing, and eventually creating my account shortly after that, it’s definitely been an interesting 11+ years seeing this game grow and swap owners.

This game isn’t growing/developing like it did a decade ago, and with DECA at the helm, it never will. They treat this game like a mobile gacha game with an MMO façade. No decision gets made unless they can profit off it. Which for things that this game NEEDS, like a revamped new player onboarding, revamped realms, completely reworked midgame, etc, they can’t put profits first. DECA needs to learn that some decisions may not directly make profit, but will lead to profit.


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