X.31.0.0 - Halloween Horror


Deca, if you’re gonna give a new enemy a decently fast attack that deals quite a bit of damage for their final phase, either give it a larger arena/make sure the area around it is flattened in a circle, or make the amount of graves appearing consistent with every other boss. Make the actual event gods have some piercing shots or replace their super slow, super heavy shots with something that still hurts, but has an actual chance of hitting you aside from taking a bet with your friends about sitting on something with ur jugg warr. =p

I get new content will always generate more graves on its first day then, say, a month from then, and that this was an effort to keep bone piles from being hogged by 15% of the community, but that’s still a bit… wonky.


Totalia (assuming that’s the boss you’re talking about) isn’t that hard if you’re maxed. During the spiral attack at the end, the fight can be tricky with obstacles and the shots being very hard to weave through, but this encourages the use of ranged classes and teamwork. If she were simply in her own, perfectly flat setpiece, then the fight would be too easy, because circling isn’t really that hard. The majority of deaths I have seen have been either unmaxed (because, well, you know… damage) or people who got overconfident and thought they could just stand there and tank everything.


To be honest she should have a setpiece. The range on the spiralling shots are too long for something of that damage, especially when the only indication that she’s there is the large amount of players present in one area.
Since it spawns in the Realm and has no indication of presence it should either:

  • Have a setpiece.
  • Have a quest marker.
  • Have reduced range/damage for the last phase.


The Witch is rather annoying if playing on a melee- too bad I died on most of my ranged units before the update



what a fucken huge disappointment.


might be different for everyone.
for example:
(i also have that key though)


It got changed to the skin from the key


wot, i literally just checked like 5 minutes ago and it was the key.


I would’ve prefer court of oryx key instead of skin, cuz I would be able to hang out with craig ):
and I got so much bones to get a skin ffs.


Dammit, now I can’t buy court keys to run a bunch of thickets for that staff/spell -_-


I am a small tiny knight.
Edit: Found this while using oryx set I had vaulted for months, was trying to use it while I can lol. Until I stumbled upon a mini me.


Did I tell you, I can become big af?


does the fame box last everyday until november 15th?


I would guess so? Idk I didn’t make the graphic and the closest thing to an “answer” is in the OP:


Rip my fame


is this talking about the ghosts on the cauldron chests?


Oryx chest is a lot harder. It spawns like a regular chest, but about halfway through the HP, the chest becomes invulnerable and spawns a few waves of enemies that you have to kill.



look man i know hotfixes are cool and all but the REAL important issues are being completely ignored here


To fill in on @AKLDragon, it spawns HP-scaled Fire Golems that deal more damage and can pierce (which spawn normal Grey Satellites), Bomb Fathers, and two Fire Blights.
They can be dangerous if sat on, and they throw bombs that spawn lava upon detonation.