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17 (P)Thunderclap Scepter+shockbla...ficationBuratinko2023-04-23 16:47:301063 (-344)44 (+3)
16 (C|P)Thunderclap ScepterAdded shockblastJakucia2022-08-23 09:40:481407 (+344)41 (+4)
15 (C|P)Thunderclap Scepterupdate im... historyReza2020-09-17 21:43:351063 (+75)37 (+1)
14 (C|P)Thunderclap ScepterfixedDragon2020-03-04 06:14:55988 (0)36 (+5)
13 (C|P)Thunderclap SceptertemplatesDragon2020-03-04 06:14:44988 (-155)31 (+2)
12 (C|P)Thunderclap Scepternew statsCophia2020-02-27 05:28:361143 (0)29 (0)
11 (C|P)Thunderclap Sceptert2 navi ++NoiceChoic2019-09-08 14:31:021143 (+40)29 (+14)
10 (C|P)Thunderclap ScepternaviDragon2017-06-26 02:05:371103 (-2129)15 (+2)
9 (C|P)Thunderclap Scepterapparentl...not workLegolegger2017-06-21 11:25:353232 (+4)13 (0)
8 (C|P)Thunderclap Scepterfixes againLegolegger2017-06-21 11:23:003228 (0)13 (0)
7 (C|P)Thunderclap Scepteradded recent changesLegolegger2017-06-21 11:20:363228 (+446)13 (+1)
6 (C|P)Thunderclap ScepterAdded Hon...e footerMicrowalt2016-10-14 21:07:132782 (+107)12 (+1)
5 (C|P)Thunderclap ScepterA. Some m...es/linksVeritan2016-07-08 18:17:052675 (-198)11 (0)
4 (C|P)Thunderclap Scepteradded RangeFirefane2016-02-29 01:52:322873 (+17)11 (0)
3 (C|P)Thunderclap ScepterCleaning ...vigationVeritan2014-06-20 11:54:112856 (-206)11 (0)
2 (C|P)Thunderclap Scepterbit indexSven2013-12-07 19:49:483062 (+1007)11 (+8)
1 (C)Thunderclap ScepterFrom the old wikiMrEyeball2013-11-21 13:51:082055