Abyssal Insignia

Abyssal Insignia A mystifying sigil from an otherwordly domain. The power sealed within causes it to faintly pull at its surroundings, attempting to draw them into the void.

Tier ST
MP Cost 140
On Equip +40 HP, +5 VIT
Effect(s) Summon a void rift for 5 seconds
Eye Effect: Curses enemies and deals 150-200 damage within 4.5 sqrs every 0.4 seconds
Armor Piercing Ignores defense of target
Cooldown 5 second(s)
XP Bonus 7%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 900
Dismantling Value 80 Mythical Material

Part of the Corrupted Paladin Set.

This seal summons a stationary void rift that curses foes while dealing heavy armor-piercing damage. It gives a decent stat bonus, but the loss of any status buffs is very significant. When other Paladins are around, you lose the reliability of the HP buff for a very powerful option for general and group damage alike.

The vortex will curse enemies before dealing damage, meaning it can deal up to 2,250 - 3,000 damage over its 5 second lifetime (1,800 to 2,400 damage for curse immune targets). As the cooldown is as long as the duration, it can have an 100% lifetime if the player has enough mana regeneration.

The Void Rift has the following sprite:
Void Rift