Ancient Demon Blade

Please note this content has been Scrapped, and may be removed from the game’s code, and is no longer possible to obtain in-game without administrator powers, or perhaps at all.

Ancient Demon Blade Fire Bolt A swift and hungry blade that is never satisfied with just one kill. This ancient weapon has become even stronger with the ages.

Tier UT
Shots 2 (arc gap: 40°)
Damage 150–175 (average: 162.5 / total: 325)
Projectile Speed 16 tiles/second
Lifetime 0.211 seconds
Range 3.38 tiles (true range: 1.37 tiles)
XP Bonus 7%
Soulbound Soulbound
Feed Power 800

Loot Bag Assigned to White Bag
Drops From None

This weapon appears to be intended as a drop from Heroic Archdemon Malphas. It serves as a slightly more powerful variant of the Demon Blade, having faster projectile speed and a higher fame bonus.

This item is no longer within the game’s files.